Chapter 2

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She was out swimming in the pool one night. It was so warm she loved summer time her skin always got nice and tanned. She jumped out of the pool grabbing a towel and walked right into Draco dropping her towel. He grabbed her waist and she was press against his hard muscular body. "Where have you been I thought you were staying here" she snarled pulling away from him. "It didn't keep me safe I'm a death eater now" he said looking sad and walking off. She felt bad for him the only reason he became one was because of his father. Her father was also a deatheater on location with Voldemort. She went to bed and went about the summer only seeing Draco a couple of times. Every time she saw him he was rude and looking sad. It was two nights before they left for school and there was a ball at Olivia's house. She teased her hair and curled it she put on her dark slytherin green dress. It had a low scoop neck making her boobs look amazing it was super tight and ruched in the torso then it was flowy on the bottom with a slit all the way up to her upper thigh.

She was putting on her silver pumps when there was a knock on the door which was weird

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She was putting on her silver pumps when there was a knock on the door which was weird. She walked over and answered it seeing Draco standing there looking hot. He was wearing an all black suit and a tie that matched Olivia perfect. "What are you doing here" she growled. " I was told to escort you to the ball" he said bored. "Why" she snapped. " I don't know I just do what I'm told like I want to be escorting you" he said. They walked downstairs next to each other and Olivia put on a fake smile. Her father was there and she ran up to him giving him a hug. Draco stood there awkwardly and looked upset that she could hug her father. " Draco good to see you again we need to speak to you two" her dad said shaking Draco's hand. They walked into the study with Narcissa and Olivia's parents. " so why are we here" Olivia asked.  " this is your guys' engagement party" Richard Olivia's dad said. "Our what" she yelled. "You guys have an arranged marriage we thought we would tell you a couple months before the wedding which is at Christmas break" Narcissa said coolly and Draco knew he wouldn't be able to argue. "But we hate each other" Olivia yelled. Her dad looked at her and she instantly shut up with a scowl. "Now go put on a show for out guests or crucio for both of you" her dad snapped. They got up and walked out when Draco cornered Olivia for some privacy. "Olivia I know you hate me but can you please put on a show I've been tortured enough this summer" he asked sincere and Olivia gave him a look full of pity. She gently grabbed his face and looked into his eyes to see pain. "Ok only tonight though" she said he took her arm and they faced their parents friends together. Olivia saw her friend Bailey there in a deep purple floor length gown. "I have missed you" Bailey said hugging Olivia. "i missed you too" Olivia said. "when did you find out about you and Draco" Bailey asked linking her arm in Olivia's as they walked to the bar. "about 5 minutes ago" she said. "I'm sure you're handling that well" Bailey said as they got glasses of champagne to drink. "As well as I can be" she said plastering a fake smile on her face that Bailey knew was really fake. Olivia had a lot of champagne that night and was feeling all warm and fuzzy. Draco and her danced a few times giving the illusion that they liked each other. Only a few people from school would know about their arrangement. "How are you doing" Bailey asked checking on her. "Oh I'm just wonderful" she said rolling her eyes. "Do you want me to stay the night" "oh yes please" "ok I'll be back in a little bit" Bailey said a apperating. Draco walked to Olivia after Bailey disappeared. "ready for bed" Draco asked as he could tell she was starting to get visibly drunk. "sure dear" she said giggling. He smiled at her and linked his arm in hers walking her upstairs bidding guests good night. "you can be quite charming" she said as they reached her bedroom. "good night Olivia we will figure out how to get out of this in the morning" he said kissing her forehead and pushing her into her room.
Bailey popped into her room and Olivia was trying to sober up. "I can't believe you two are getting married" she said sipping her tea. "I know our parents know about our feuds over the years" she said.  "Remember how you picked on Draco mercilessly when Granger punches him in the nose" Bailey said and they both giggled about his black eye and hearing the rumors about it. "You know I performed the charm that healed his nose after I teased him" "you never told me that" "he didn't want anyone to know" "or when you cursed him for giving you a hard time in herbology" "ok he deserved that one" "I don't think he ever cursed you" "oh my gosh you're right he didn't" Olivia said. They spent the night talking about all the times Draco teased Olivia and how she cursed his ass.
The next morning Olivia woke up with a splitting headache. Bailey was already gone. She figured she got up to go home and pack for school. Their house elves packed for them but everyone had stuff they hid from their parents they snuck to school. She spent the day in bed nursing her hangover when there was a light knock on the door. "Come in" she said and it was Draco. She was suddenly aware that she wasn't wearing makeup. Her hair was up in a messy bun and she was wearing her yoga pants and hoodie. "Oh hey" she said. "Hey" he said standing just inside the door. He was surveying her room. "I was just wondering if you were still alive" "ya just getting ready to pack for tomorrow" "won't your elf be up here to do that" "yes but the contraband I put in a different bag and hide it from the elves and parents" she said smiling. "The perfect child has contraband" he said laughing. "Hey you saw me last night with my dad if he wouldn't have threatened up do you think I would have quit" "no probably not" "Draco how much have you been tourtured" she asked. "It doesn't matter it's not like I have anything to hide just payback I suppose" he said. "I'm sorry Draco it's not fair" "don't say anymore you never know who is listening" he said. A house elf walked into her room with her trunk. "I will see you tomorrow" he said leaving her room. As the house elf packed her things. She packed a backpack with the stuff she wanted to hide. The next morning She put on some tight dark denim jeans a white flowy blouse with a leather black jacket and black pointed toe heels. She had her hair in gentle waves with light makeup and pink lips enjoying the colors of summer. her house elves had already taken her trunks and owl downstairs. She put on large dark sunglasses and made her way down to see the parents. Draco was wearing all black as usual and had long sleeves on. They left to the train station. They hugged their mothers good bye as their things got loaded on the train. "after you dear" Draco said leading her onto the train and to their compartment. Draco, Crabbe, Goyle, Blaise, And Bailey were all sitting together. Only the most elite were sitting next to each other on the train. Even though Draco and Olivia didn't always get along it was a fact that they had to keep appearances up for the house. They had been sitting in the compartment when someone let off a smoke bomb that made the whole car turn black. Draco was on his feet being very concerned. He sat back down looking up at the luggage rack. Olivia put her hand on his leg. "are you alright" she asked. He looked down at her and gave a weak smile. "i'm fine" he said. the rest of the ride Draco was acting very strange. "Are you coming Draco" Olivia asked after the train had stopped. "Go without me" he said. "Draco" she asked. "Go Olivia its not like I want you anyway" he snapped at her. She walked off with a lot of pain from that blow.

As Draco walked to the school he thought about Olivia. Draco was happy that his parents picked Olivia to be arranged to she was smart and gorgeous and that meant no other man got her. She did so well in front of everyone and wanted to make him happy and not get tortured. He almost believed that she liked him and today on the train she was being nice and good. After the smoke bomb Draco had seen some rolling around on the luggage rack and knew something was up. She wanted to stay with him and he just pushed her away which is what he had to do to keep her safe anyway. 

Olivia was hurt by Draco's words he was actually acting like he liked her. She went into dinner and ignored Draco once he made it to dinner. She walked up to her dorm and went to bed. They went on for two weeks not speaking and Pansy loved it because Draco was shagging her. "Oh Drakey let's go to hogsmeade this weekend" she whined hugging him. They were all in the common room doing homework. "I can't I already told you that just leave me alone" he snapped grabbing her arms and pushing her off him. Olivia couldn't help but laugh he was only using her for sex. "What are you laughing at" he sneered. "I'm laughing at you Malfoy" she snapped back smiling still. It really gave her a pit when she saw that slut hanging on him but she wouldn't dare let him know that. "mind your own damn business" he said storming out of the common room.

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