1: Leaving

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Hey guys! I hope you all know that I am redoing this whole story from the better so I actually want to write it and stuff. The story might be a bit similar but it is different in a lot of ways so enjoy!

I rolled my eyes as the high pitched squeal known as my foster mother called up to me. "Darling, your things are already packed in the car, I don't understand why you'd be upstairs unless you needed the computer, which it has already been announced that all personal accounts on any of those foolish websites be deleted!" She sneered angrily.

"No, I'd do nothing of the sort Miss Deville," I taunted, smiling at my Disney refrence. My laughter ceased when I heard the click of her heels on the wood floor.

"What did you just call me?" She asked, peering in the room, a fake smile plastered on her plastic face, her dark eyes pooling with rage.

"Well, I believe Miss Deville needs to reproportion her emotions... You look... Angered?" I said with a smile. If this was my last stand with her, then I wanted to make the best out of it. For all the years of punishment she gave me for my slight decrease in math grades.

"You Missy," She said pointing a manicured fingernail towards me, "Need to stop with the unintelligent remarks. People at the orphanage are going to hate you," She took a pause and smiled, "Actually, I think you'll fit in with a bunch of uneducated ragamuffins," She said with a smug smile.

"Ragamuffins?" I asked, amusement in my tone, "I hope you were trying to be funny because honestly, that was the funniest thing that has ever left your mouth!" I busted into laughter.

"Just go get in the car Elizabeth!" She commanded.

"Yes, Cruella," I muttered quickly. And before she could scream another unintelligent comeback, I flew down the stairs and into the sleek black limozine.

"Ben! I'm going to miss you!" I said to our driver. He smiled at me in the mirror and then turned around.

"Miss Miller, your brother, Blake, he called your mother yesterday, asking for you, she tried to convince him that he had called the wrong number. But I think you should know that your brother is looking for you, and from what I was able to hear, he is determined to find you," Ben said.

"Well, If he wanted to find me, then he could have come to this house," I said, crossing my arms stubbornly. But in honesty, I was extremely happy that Blake was searching for me. That meant that he cared.

"Where is Mother Deville taking me?" I asked.

"Sadly, she has given me instruction to drive to the J--" Ben was cut off by the devil herself stepping into the car, her bluetooth hooked up to her ear.

"Yes Angela, I will be at the banquet tonight, I just have important buisness to take care of," She covered up her bluetooth, "Drive Benett," She ordered before going back to her phone conversation.

I sighed as the silence began to eat away at my patience. I sighed again in boredom and the devil turned to me, "Can you stop that, I am in the middle of a very important buisness call!" She exclaimed, rolling her eyes.

"Yes, your banquet is so important!" I said sarcastically.

"Its for your father, so yes it is," She spat.

"So, Will he actually attend this time or will he just blow you off?" 

"You little--"

"We have arrived, Miss Wells," Ben said quickly. The door was opened on my side and I stepped out quickly.

Ben pulled my stuff from the trunk and set it down on the side walk, he turned to me, "Lizzie, it has been very adventurous working for you, and if you ever want to find me, I will be in Boston from now on, I got another job. Lizzie, I stayed because of you, so now that you are gone, It's best for me to leave also."

"Good Ben, you should, If I ever get adopted I will try my best to find you," I smiled, hugging him.

"I put a gift in your suitcase, open it when you get home and its fragile so be careful, okay?" He nodded.

"You didn't have to Ben, but thanks. I'll miss you."

"You best get going, you might miss your flight if I keep you here, have fun in Ireland," Ben said. My eyes widened.

I was going home.

Cruella walked alongside me, holding my pass in her hand. She registered me in, getting my ticket printed out.  She didn't give me another look after she left my with the customer service woman.

"Um... I need to be on the next flight to," I looked down at my ticket, reading it, "DUB Airport in Ireland."

"Okay, Go down that hallway, go through security, you are in Gate A6. After you get through security take the rail to section A and then walk down the aisle and you'll see a giant six."

"Thanks," I muttered. Then I began my journey.

As I walked I recalled my message to Katie. I had to hand over the account to her after Cruella found out about my accounts. Katie was a good writer and I trusted my account in her hands. So that was the least of my worries.

Fourty-five minutes later I was standing in Gate 6. With five minutes left until we were allowed to board the plane. I had absolutely nothing to do on the plane and I knew it was going to be suffocating me.

"Flight 638 to Dublin, Ireland is now accepting first class tickets." I looked down at my ticket and for the first time, I was slightly happy that Cruella put me in first class. I dragged my carry on to the back of the short line and waited for my turn to give my ticket to the lady.

"Thanks for flying with Delta," She spoke with a southern twang. I just nodded and walked onto the ramp to board the plane.

Longest. Ride. Of. My. Life. I walked into the airport with the most dull expression on my face. I went for my luggage and managed to remember to be careful.

I walked towards the front of the airport and caught sight of a sign with my name in all caps written on it. A young woman, maybe in her early twenties, stood with large framed glasses on her nose and a genuine smile on her face.

I walked towards her waving toget her attention. "Hi, I'm Elizabeth, but you can call me Eliza or Liza," I said.

She smiled, "Can I call you El? You look like an El," She asked.

"Yeah! Um, are you one of the..?"

"I'm your orphan mom or whatever they call it, really I just prefer stepsister since the kids don't need to call me mom since it might make them uncomfortable, My name is Carrie."

"Well, you are much nicer than I had imagined. And American."

"I guess I don't really fit the mean old Orphan mom or whatever. And yes, I am from Michigan but I moved here to start an orphanage."

"Wow, that must have been hard," I said.

"No, Well, It was but I wanted to start somewhere that kids wouldn't feel confined to sadness and dull grey lifestyle." She opened the ca door and climbed into the driver's seat.

"Really? Do the kids do chores?" I asked.

"Yes, but when you turn up the music and dance around, the kids find the chores fun, and Friday is chores day, we have fun."

I smiled. Maybe this orphanage wouldn't be as much torturous as I thought.

When we arrived at the orphanage it was the last thing I expected. The building was bright two story town house painted baby blue. The steps were red and the door was a rustic brown. Carrie smile as she unlocked the door. When we entered the foyer I was greeted by  sunshine yellow floors and green brick walls.

"How do you pay for this stuff?" i asked.

"Well, a lot of the girls make bracelets and sell them on a website, they sell for a lot, and we have big buisness, all the payment goes to wherever they please, and so they all decided to remake this whole place, so we saved up for paint which didn't take long. We repainted everything and now we have this," She gestured the room.

"Wow." This place was most definetely not what I imagined.

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