Chapter Uno

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Michael POV

I woke up early to meet my sisters LaToya and Janet at a local resturant.LaToya has been very distant since she married that jerkface Jack so I was very excited to see her.Janet on the other hand has been helping me with my album so I know whats up with her.I hoped out of bed to take a shower and before I could even get my clothes out I got a call...

"Hello"I say groggy

"Hi Mikey!" Janet and LaToya say in unison

"Oh Hey Dunk! Hey Toy!"

"I'm surprised your up"Janet says giggling

"What do you mean I'm always up early"I say playfully defensive

"Yeah right,we have to call you like 10 times before you wake up"LaToya said bursting into laughter

"Oh whatever Toy!!"

Both if them are laughing hard

"Anyway are y'all even ready to meet at the restaurant"I say rolling my eyes chuckling

"I just have to put-on some make-up then I will be there"Janet says shuffling something into the phone

"I'm ready I just need to...."LaToya stops in the middle of her sentence

"LaToya!!!! "Me and Janet say in unison

"Uhm I will talk to you guys at the place,Okay bye Love you guys"

Before we could even say anything back she hung up

"What's her problem"I asked Janet

"I don't know maybe Jack walked in or told her to hang up"Janet said with hatred in her voice

"I don't like him one bit Dunk"

"I know but that's her husband and we have to try to get along with him"she says with confidence

"look at you trying to be calm and proper"I say teasing janet

"Oh hush Mikey"she say giggling

"Dunk let me get in the shower and we can talk at the restaurant"

"Okay,bye,love you big bro"

"Love you to baby sis"

We hang up and I go take a shower when I get out I hear someone banging on the front door.I hurry up and put my clothes on and ran down stairs.When I opened the door Rebbie ran in out of breath

"Is Toya here?"she says trying to catch her breathe

"No why what's going on "I say confused

She finally catch her breath and when she speaks she spoke quickly"I called to check on her and Jack answered the phone he wouldnt let her talk and he kept on screaming,He said she was busy but I heard crying in the background!"

"What do you mean crying I just got off the phone with her and Janet"I looked at her with my eyebrow raised

She looked at me and got agitated "I know what I heard and if you want to sit there and think the world is not going crazy then sit there,I will do it myself"She got up and walked out the door slamming it behind her

"Okay Bye Rebbie"I say to the closed door,I think Rebbie is kinda paranoid now that LaToya has gotten married to Jack...

Rebbie POV

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