Chapter Cuatro

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LaToya POV

"What did you just do?"Jack had me by my hair against the wall my body was still dripping from him dragging me out the tub

"Nothing just let me go,I didn't do anything!"I grabbed his hand and he bashed my head into the wall and I pushed him off of me "Jack your fucking crazy!"I screamed at him and tried to walk back into the bathroom.He grabbed my arm and turned me around when I was facing him he punched me in my nose and it immediately started to bleed I grabbed my nose and ran back in the bathroom I locked the door and grabbed a towel to wipe my nose.Jack was banging on the door and yelling at me I ignored him and kept the blood from running.After about 30 minutes of screaming and lots of blood it finally got quiet.I opened the door and Jack was gone I ran over the bed to lock the bedroom door I grabbed my clothes and quietly put them on I heard the door knob wiggle and Jack hit the door "Open the door bitch!"he screamed "No go away Jack I'm not about to open the door"He banged on the door it sound like he was about to break the door.I grabbed my keys and unlock the door Jack was standing there with a beer can and his eyes were red I just walked past him."Where you going?" he said with his words slurred."I'm leaving your drunk"I pushed my way through him I got half way down the stairs "Who are you going to run to your family?" I shook my head Yes and gave him a look "There better than being here with your drunk and abusive ass" I walked down the stairs and walk to the door "Your family is just using you for your money,just think about it since I've been your manager you've been bringing in 16.3K dollars from your albums and performances."

I looked at him "That a lie my family would never do that,no amount of money in the world could break us apart"

Jack came down the stairs and walked to me "Michael only wants you in that video so he can ask you to help fund the video shoot...Janet harassed you because I told her you wasn't giving her any money....Jermaine never calls because I turned him down on money...Marlon and Jackie did the same thing as Jermaine...Rebbie and Tito only calls when they hear you have a new album out or a performance...which is dealing with asking for money... ever though of it like that?"

Tears formed in my eyes your lying "My family would never do that"a tear fell down my face Jack dried my eyes and looked at me "The truth hurts doesn't it?"

I looked at him "It's not the truth,how could you stoop that low and try to separate me from my family,your a an asshole"I pushed away from him and he grabbed me and beat the living hell out of me I finally manage to run out the door and get into my car I didn't even think to put on my seat belt I shot out the drive way and did 110 on the free way...I tried to exit but the car didn't let me over I looked back to cuss them out and when I turned back around a diesel truck was in front of me......

3rd Person POV

"This is 911,what is your emergency?"

"There is a crash on the south freeway the woman looks like she not breathing,help please!"

"Okay ma'am is there any other car involved in the accident? "

"Yes there is a diesel truck that the car crashed into the side of it"

"Okay Ma'am ambulance is on the way"

I hung up the phone.The crash was bad the car was scattered in pieces and the woman looked familiar but I couldn't tell from the bruises on her face.The car did a full 360 when the diesel got over in front of her and it landed upside down,the diesel is okay I just pray she okay....

Michael POV

I was in the studio working on my TWYMMF video ideas when got a call from Frank my long time friends and tour and video director

"Hey Frank,What good?"I say still writing down ideas.

"Mike stop and turn on the news quickly.It's important!"He demanded

"Okay okay what is it another story on me"I joked around

"No it's Latoya!"He hung up the phone.

I turned the news on the TV behind me I really want going to pay attention until I seen the head line "LaToya Jackson's Massive Crash"My heart stopped and I turned up the volume

"Reporter Leena Williams here,just a few minutes ago the pop star was in a massive car crash with a diesel truck,The pop stars car speed on the highway doing at least 100 the diesel truck didn't see the car and got over that's when the collision happen...".I couldn't do anything but stare at the TV crying,I called Janet immediately....

Janet POV

I was laying in bed watching Rene sleep when I got a call from Michael

"Heyy Mikey"I say playing in Rene hair

"Turn on the news now!"He sounded as if he been crying

"Why what did the media say about you now?" I say getting sick and tired of what the media says

"Just turn it on"He demanded

I turned on the news and I saw the headline "Latoya Jackson's Massive Crash"

I woke up Rene with tears in my eyes and turned the TV up the news report was talking about the crash I covered my mouth and cried.Rene sat up and grabbed me in his arms

"M-Mike when did this happen?"I say tears running down my eyes like a fountain

"A few minutes ago I'm on my way to the hospital"He said still crying

"I'm on my way!!"

I hung up the phone and jumped up I put on some clothes Rene was also putting on clothes,I did my hygiene and ran out the door with Rene trailing behind me.I called Jack on my way there...

Jack POV

I passed out and when I came to I had a headache I took some pain killers and looked for Toya, I had to apologize. When I drink I do things I wouldn't do when I'm sober.I didn't see any sign of her,so I do what I do best drink I turned up another bottle and sat there then Janet called ugh what do she want...

"Yes Janet"I say taking another gulp

"Jack where are you?!?!?"She say sounding liked she been crying

"I'm at home why,what do you want?"I say getting another bottle

"Home!!!Jack!!! LaToya is in the hospital,she was in a car crash!"

I dropped the bottle and just stood there,I hung up and just cried.My wife got into a car accident trying to get away from me...What kind of person am I...

I love you for reading...Even thoe this was sad :(

~NijahKnycole ❤

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