Chapter Quince

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Michael POV

The tour is going to be great,Me and Tatiana are really hitting it off,I hope soon she will let me take her out.I called home to check on every body,since I left early this morning but noone answered I called Rene and he answered he sounded like had been crying

"Hello"He said quietly

"Rene why isn't anyone answering their phone and whats up with you?"

"Everyone is at the hospital,Reagan jumped off the bridge today"I froze and remember what mother told us about Rebbie saying something to her

"Is she okay,are you okay?"I quickly asked and he took a deep breathe

"I'm okay but she's on life support right now!" He said

"Its gonna be okay,Im gonna pray for you and her"

"Okay,umm I have to go"He said hoarse and then hung up

Lord knows he's going through it.Why would Reagan jump? She's very beautiful and talented.God heal her and watch over her and her father.

I called Rebbie over and over until she answered

"Hey Mikey"She said joyfully

"You do now that Reagan Jumped off the bridge right?"

"Yes,thats just sad,I heard she got 4 days to live"she didn't sound like she was sorry

"Rebbie what has gotten into you,you never act like this.You probably caused her to jump!"I said with concern

"Who knows what else could've caused her jump don't just blame me for it,I didn't tell her little ass to go jump off a bridge and kill herself!"She said angrily

"She's not dead!"I said at this moment I was highly pissed at Rebbie

"Not yet!!Just wait on it!!"She hung the phone up in my face and I just shook my head.

Rene POV

After I got off the phone with Mike,I went home && went in Reagan room and cried my heart out.I failed as a father my only child jumped off a bridge and now she's on life support I went to her bed and I saw a photo of her and me a few years ago and I cried even more.My phone rang and it was Raven

"Yes!"I answered still looking at the photo

"Open the door I know your here"she said and hung up

I went downstairs and opened the door.Raven hugged me and started to break down.I hugged her back

"This is all my fault,she jumped off that bridge because of me...I'm the worst mother in the world!!"She cried and I let out a sigh

"Its not just your fault,She's going through alot"Raven let go and looked at me

"This would've never happen if I hadn't got upset and kicked her out!"She cried even more and I felt bad

"Reagan is a strong girl she will pull through"I said

"I know but I messed up badly. I love her no matter what!"

"She still loves you....and I love you too"I have no idea why I just said that but then I do.I love Raven it's just me and her don't mix we don't get along good enough to be a couple and plus I love Janet more.I looked at Raven and she looked me in my eyes and kissed me.....

"What the hell??"Janet said and I pushed Raven back,she turned around to Janet

" Janet it was my fault I kissed him,I'm sorry I couldn't control myself"Raven explained and Janet looked at me

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