Chapter Ocho

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Next Day-Rene POV

I woke up early and took a shower.When I got out Janet was just walking in she completely ignored me and got in the shower

"Well Goodmorning"I said doing my hygiene

"Oh I'm sorry goodmorning honey"She said from inside the shower

I finished my hygiene and i went to get dressed,after i got dress I went to wake up Reagan but she was already woke and was in the shower,I was about to walk away when i heard her phone ring,i walked in her room to answer it the name was "Trevon" I answered it


"Wassup Shawty"They.youmg man said into th phone trynna sound sexy

"This is not Reagan this is her father" I firmly said to the young man

"Oh I'm sorry,umm where is Reagan? "He asked kinda shocked

"She's in the shower right now"

"Oh okay can you have her call me back when she get out the shower"

"Sure,ummm how old are you son?"

"I'm 17 sir"His voice sounded like he was older

"What do you want with my daughter" I really wanted to know is answer

"Well I really like her and i want a relationshop with her and I think she wants the same"He said confident

"Well my daughter is not to date any boy until I meet him and he he shows me that he knows how to treat a lady" and with that said i hung up the phone.I heard Reagan behind me and i turned around

"Who was that daddy?" She had a towel wrapped around her and her hair was wet.

"I don't want you to date that boy until I meet him!"I looked at her

"You must be talking about Trevon" She smiled and nodded

"Yes"I was serious

She giggled and nodded her head "Yes sir"

"Okay now get ready for breakfast"I said and walked out with her ohone still in my hand

"Can I have my phone back please?"She said coming out the door after me

"Oh here you go"I handed her the phone and she walked back in her room

Janet POV

After I took my shower and did my hygiene I went to start cooking like always Rene is the first person at the table. My fat baby! We waited for Reagan for but she never came out her room I went up stairs to get her and she was on her phone just blushing away.

"Reagan breakfast is ready!"I told her and she looked at me

"I will call you later....I promise....okay bye"She hung up and walked downstairs, I followed her and made our plates

"So Reagan,Who was that on the phone?"I asked her as we ate,Rene looked at her and she looked down

"Just a friend"She said quietly

"Well he has to be very special friend you were just blushing away"I smiled and she blushed again

"Whats his name?"I don't know why but I was asking alot of questions

She looked at me smiling "His name is Trevon but everyone calls him Trey"

"Aww Trevon,is he cute?"Reagan blushed and nod yes "Aww seems like you have you a boyfriend"I laughed,Rene gave me a look like "don't entertain that"

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