Chapter Diez

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Reagan POV

"What the hell"My dad said looking pissed off "Oh hell no!!! you will not be dating my daughter!!"

"Why?!?!"I was confused and hurt at the same time.I looked at Aunt Toya who face was pale and she looked like she was frightened

"Because I said so,i'm not about to explain myself to you Reagan"He said to me "You two need to leave my house right now!"Aunt Toya shot out the door and my mom followed her Trevon just stared at me confused and I did the same

"Come on Rene,What happen between me and LaToya is in the past you shouldn't let that effect our children's love life!"The man said to my father and my dad turned red with anger

"You beat my sister-in-law and caused her to have a car wreck and then you had the nerve to show up to the hospital like you was hurt!!! You caused alot of damage Jack!" when my dad said that I froze and I remeber when Aunt Toya told us that Jack started that rumor about me and then later that day my mother literally kicks me to the curb


"Good i won't have to deal with. that "I miss daddy" shit i will call and let them know your uncles will be down there your stuff get off my phone" My mom said to me and hung up in my face

******End Of Flashback******

It kept replaying in my head and I felt tears form in my eyes

"Reagan are you okay?"Trevon says to me and all eyes are on me

"Yes im fine"I say quietly

My mom comes back in and looks at Jack,Jack grins and breaks the silence "Are yall going to ruin your daughter's love life because of the past"

My dad was about to blow up again but i spoke up

"I think y'all should leave like my father said"I then walked up the stairs and into my room,I heard Trevon call for me but i just ignored him and went into

my room and took a shower.At this point I don't know if I will make it to see another day...

Sorry its been so long since i updated but tonight is friday so I will update twice tonight and then tomorrow...

How do you like this chapter?

Sorry for the short chapter though...


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