Chapter 2

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The house was huge like a castle. "The party's hosted by Allura." Matt said. Katie was told it was Allura's Uncle Coran's and he was super cool with them using the house. She was the most popular girl in the school. She was head cheerleader and was super hot. She had so many guys after her; "basically the opposite of me. Great." Katie thought to herself. There were no freshmen whatsoever at this party. This was the biggest homecoming party of the year which was mainly juniors, seniors, and a few sophomores.

"I HAVE to try so I can get that game!" She thought hard.  Her first thought was to head to the food table and maybe try to spark a conversation there. She would try there first. She made her way across the crowded dance floor to a table spread with drinks and pizza. She grabbed a slice and saw another guy getting punch. He had darker skin, or at least she was pretty sure;the strobe lights made it harder to see. He had dark hair and wore an orange headband. He was on the heavier side but looked happy and approachable; she decided he would be her first move.

She'd seen him around school before so she decided to start with that. "Ok. Don't mess this up Katie." She took a deep breath and walked up to him.

"H-Hey" she said nervously. "Oh. Um, hi" He said uncertain. "I think I've seen you around the Garrison. I'm Katie." She introduced herself. "Cool I'm Hunk. Crazy party right?" He said giving a friendly smile. This was easier than she thought. Maybe talking to people wasn't so bad. "Hehe yeah. I came with my brother, Matt." She said. "Oh my gosh! You're Matt's sister aren't you! I've heard you're a great technician! I'm an engineer." He complimented her. "Yeah thanks!" She replied. "I came here with my friends. Their around here somewhere. I'm sure you'll meet them sometime tonight." He said. "I'd like to meet your friends they sound great the way you talk about them." She said. "Hehe." He said with a nervous smile. "They're an interesting group but awesome once you get to know them." He said. "Hmm. I think I like this talking thing." She said to herself. "What grade are you in?" She asked. "I'm a sophomore. How about you?" He said. "I'm just a freshmen this year." she said shyly. "Cool." He didn't seem to mind a bit. They continued the conversation for a bit before separating.

"Wow! I actually talked to someone! And they didn't make fun of me for being a nerd!" She thought feeling victorious. She started to round a corner into the main room with the dance floor when she was cut off by a guy. He put his hand on the wall blocking her and flashed her a flirty smile. He had brown hair and looked Hispanic. He was lean and kind of tall but had some muscle.  He leaned in and said "Well hello there! My name's Lance. And who might you be?" He said. "Hey I'm Katie." She said more confident after her last human interaction. "Nice to meet you Katie." He said. This was new territory for her. No one ever flirted with her in middle school. "You're new this year right? Did you move here from Tennessee? Because you're the only ten I see." He said smoothly. His pick up lines were so cheesy she thought but decided to go along with it. "No, but I am a freshmen this year." She said calmly. "Cool. I'm a sophomore." He said. After a few more lines and small giggles, he said "Huh. You're different Katie. We should hang sometime." He said now talking to her more as a friend than potential date. "You too. See you around." She said as they parted ways.

She went to the back of the house where the music was quieter and there were less people to use the bathroom. When she came out, she noticed a guy leaning against the wall by himself with his arms crossed. She felt sort of bad. She also felt exhilarated! She was at a PARTY.  And she had already had two very successful CONVERSATIONS! She thought for a moment before deciding to approach the stranger. He had a jet black mullet and wore a bright red and yellow jacket. He had a paler complexion and had a good amount of muscle.

He had his eyes closed lost in thought while listening to music. She quietly tapped his shoulder not wanting to startle him. This didn't work very well since he screamed. They looked at each other in shock before calming down. He took out an earbud and said in an angsty voice "Uh do I know you?" "Um no. I just saw you all alone over here and I was wondering if you wanted to talk?" She said nervously. He looked very confused but proceeded to take out the other earbud. "Hi. I'm Katie." She introduced herself with a smile. he seemed to relax a bit more. "I'm Kieth." was all he said still with a bored look on his face. "Um, what are you listening to?" She tried to get the conversation rolling. "Panic!at the disco" He said. Her face lit up slightly startling him. "I LOVE PANIC!AT THE DISCO!" She exclaimed. That was all they talked about for the next 20 minutes. "I should probably go find my friends." He said starting to leave with a slight smile. "It was nice to meet you." "You too." She said smiling as he walked away.

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