Chapter 8

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By the time she stepped into shop, her white dress was soaked from being over her bathing suit. You could see right through the white but she didn't care because she had had so much fun the whole day. Her hair had small tangles but still fell in small ringlets dripping wet down her back.

The pizza shop was crowded with teenagers; it was a very popular hang out spot. Keith spotted a group of teenage boys eyeing Katie and she noticed too. He whispered to her "just ignore them." The cold ac hit her skin as she walked with the group to the counter. Half the group went to the bathroom while the other half ordered two pies to share. Katie sat at an empty table to save them all seats.

As the others were busy arguing which type of pizza to get and making the cashier split the check seven ways, she heard a whistle and looked up from her phone. She saw the group of teenage boys staring at her. One of them called out "hey baby!" And flashed a smile. She looked back to her phone rolling her eyes. "You look hot! Why don't you come and join us?" Another shouted. The group snickered as she mustered all her patience to ignore them. They continued calling out to her until the leader said "Hey that's a nice ass! You know where it'd look good? ON MY FACE!" They all burst out laughing and whistling. She'd finally had it. She snapped her head up. She got up from her spot and walked over to their group. They got quiet as she approached them. "Can I help you?" She said with a strained smile slamming her hands on the table making the silverware shake. The leader looked a little taken aback but said "yeah. You do head?" They all burst out laughing and high-fiving each other. Katie laughed to herself before looking up with a crazy look in her eye. "You want to take this outside?" She offered. "Why not. I'd let you take me anywhere" he grinned.

They walked outside to the back alley while the rest of the group was distracted. She had too much pride to let them treat her this way. As soon as they were outside the leader slapped her ass. "THAT'S IT!" She yelled as she whipped around and punched him right in the face. His friends looked at the scene in shock. He held the spot where she struck him and glared up at her before saying to his friends "hold her down." They were immediately on her because the fight was seven against one. She fought against them but they kept her in place. They soon had her pinned against a wall and the leader walked up to her. "You're a bad girl you know?" He said his hand going up her thigh. She struggled against her restraints as he continued speaking. "And you know what bad girls get?" He asked as he continued going up her leg. "Get off me asshole!" She growled at him. "Punished!" He said as he grabbed her ass in one hand and a breast in the other. She moaned out loud. "Now that's what I like to hear!" He smiled cruelly as he continued to fondle her. "Please stop!" She pleaded. "Not after what you did." He looked her straight in the eye as his finger started to slip down her bikini bottom. She tried to scream but one of his goons covered her mouth leaving her defenseless. The leader grinded on her as his finger got dangerously close to her area.

She suddenly heard a worried Keith call her name. The group of guys whipped their heads around to see Matt and Keith approaching quickly. "Get your dirty hands off of her!" Matt screamed enraged. He punched the leader in the face knocking him off Katie. The goon had loosened his hand over her mouth from the shock and she bit his hand. She screamed "HELP!" With the leader off of her she kneed one guy and kicked another attempting to shake them off her. Keith socked another in the face. By now the others had heard the ruckus and come to her rescue.

"OH HELL NO!" Lance yelled tackling a guy to the floor. They wrestled on the floor as Allura kicked a guy in the groin. Katie was now free and ready to kick some ass. "Are you okay?" Allura asked. "I will be soon!" She said tackling a guy. Katie may have been smaller but she was strong. They all joined the fight and there was chaos. Shiro and Matt were the most enraged of them all. The group of boys were tough, but they were tougher. Eight against eight, Lance held down one guy as Shay beat the daylights out of him. Keith and Hunk took on three guys at once. Katie and Allura ganged up on one guy. Shiro took two goons on, and Matt took the leader down.

The fight ended with the group of teenage boys limping off with bleeding noses and covered in bruises. "YEAH! AND DON'T COME BACK!" Hunk screamed after them. "They were eyeing her from the start. They had it coming." Keith said. They all cheered in triumph before suddenly turning to Katie. "Oh my god are you alright?!" Matt asked. "Yes I'm fine. We sure showed them!" Katie said laughing and the whole group cheered again. "Are you sure you're not hurt?" Shiro asked concerned. "Yes, I'm safe now. Thank you all for being there for me." She thanked the group. "Always." Lance said. "Definitely." Keith added. "I want to go fight someone else! WOOOO!" Hunk cried out flailing his fists in the air. "Sorry, I'm all hyped up on adrenaline." He said smiling. "How about we go eat some pizza." Katie said. They all laughed and went back inside.

They thoroughly enjoyed their pizza and got ice cream to celebrate their victory. They all walked along the boardwalk and watched the sunset. Katie smiled as she gave them all a group hug. "Thanks for coming after me." She said. "Of course we would." Shiro said hugging her the tightest. Allura offered for Shay to follow them back and stay over and she accepted.

"Katie?" The small girl turned to Allura. "Every time we get together to hang out, one or another of us will post something on social media whether it be Snapchat or Instagram. We want people to know that you're part of our group now, so if it's okay with you... we want you to be in our group picture. It's going to be posted online for everyone to see, so we just wanted to make sure it was okay by you." She explained. "Uh-Yeah! That's fine by me." She said. "Great!" Allura said. Lance took a group selfie. "This is going up later for sure."
They all smiled.

" They all smiled

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