Chapter 12

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After the mall they spent the rest of the day chilling at Allura's house. Coran wouldn't be home until school started again Monday so they had a lot of freedom.

The rest of their time was spent on lots of video games and Allura picked out outfits for Katie day by day. Hunk baked in the kitchen so the house smelled wonderful and the rest went on a movie marathon of Star Wars. The day went by quick and they ordered Chinese food so they wouldn't have to squish back into the van.

After dinner Lance grabbed Keith, Katie, and Shiro into a corner to conspire about their little plan. "So how is this going to go? Do we just say it? Or are we going to be puzzling and mysterious so they have to figure it out?" Lance questioned. "I think we should just say it. It's not like revealing the gender of a baby at a baby shower." Keith rolled his eyes. "Why don't we mess with them a little bit for fun, and then we can come clean?" Katie suggested. Ideas were already stirring in her head about fooling their friends. "Yeah. That sounds like it could be funny." Shiro agreed. "Aww thanks baby." Katie said sarcastically. Lance laughed sinisterly "MUAHAHAHAHA! THEN IT SHALL BE DONE!!" Keith palmed his own forehead laughing. "Shhh!!!" Katie quieted the maniacally laughing Hispanic boy. "We don't want to be suspicious. Just keep it cool." She warned. "I'm always cool." He said smoothly wiggling his eyebrows and earning an elbow from Keith. "Ow!" Lance whined. "Pay attention." Keith persuaded as he put his arm around Keith since no one else could see. "Okay. So here's the plan.." Katie leaned in and they huddled up. "...everyone got it?" She smiled. "Yes 'mam!" They all saluted. "Good." She said as they all smiled deviously at one another.

~~~~time skip to after dinner~~~~

"Hey guys?" Katie said standing up to  get everyone's attention. They all looked up. "So I have an announcement." She smiled and grabbed Lance's hand. They all gasped. "We've been wanting to tell you guys for a while, so here it is: we're dating!" They both said and smiled at the group. Allura's jaw dropped.

"And also.." Shiro added getting up. "We're dating too." Keith finished wrapping his arm around Shiro. There was silence. "Um, okay." Hunk finally said. "I did not see that coming." Shay said. "I mean, if you guys are happy together.." Matt said. They looked at the couples questioningly.

Lance couldn't hold it on any longer. He burst out laughing breaking the heavily awkward silence. The rest of the group jumped in shock. "We're just kidding! We totally got you guys!" He cried out holding his stomach from laughing so hard. They let out a clear sigh of relief. Katie, Lance, Shiro, and Keith rejoined the group on the couch.

"But, there really is some news." Katie said nervous but excited. "Now was the time" the four thought. Lance grabbed Keith's hand and Shiro and Katie did the same. "We" Keith and Lance said in unison. "Actually are dating." "And so are we." Shiro said. They all nervously looked to see the reaction of their friends.

"That's great!" Hunk said at last. "We'd been trying to get you two together for months! I guess you didn't need our help after all." Allura winked at Keith and Lance. "I totally support you guys." Shay said. "Katie?" Matt said. The girl turned to her older sibling.

He gave her a long hug. "I fully support you guys." He squeezed her. She was so thankful for his support. "You picked a good one." Matt said to Shiro winking. "Yes I did." He said hugging Katie.

The rest of the night was spent telling their separate stories and points of view to the rest of the group. They unfolded how all their feelings came to be. Keith's and Lance were so happy to be accepted. Katie and Shiro were so happy that their love was approved of, given the age difference and her brother.

They went to sleep the happiest they've ever felt.

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