Chapter 4

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The night continued on. Katie was coming back from a bathroom break when she was stopped by a guy with long, bleach blond hair, it might have been white. He put his arms on either side of her against a wall in the hallway so she couldn't move. He was obviously drunk and leaned in very close. "Hiiiii" He said. "Um. Hi." She said uncomfortably. "I'm Lotor. You're very beautiful.." he said. "I. Um. Thank you." was all she managed as he leaned closer. "Can I get you a drink sweet cheeks?" He cooed. "Um. No thanks. I don't drink." She said nervously. "Oh come on baby, it's not a big deal, just let me get you a drink and we can see where the night takes us from there." He smiled sickly. "I said no thank you." She said more firmly this time, placing her hands on his chest attempting to keep him from coming forward. It didn't work. One hand went to play with her hair. "Come on baby. A girl as pretty as you should be coming home with a guy like me." His hand moved to the small of her back pulling her closer. "Just let me take care of you." He moved his hand down to her ass.

Katie was in total shock and didn't know what to do. Everything was happening so fast. She tried to push him off her but he held her too tightly. She didn't want to scream and make a huge scene though and ruin the party. Lotor leaned in to kiss her when Shiro burst around the corner just in time. He took one look at the sight of Katie attempting to get Lotor off of her and his eyes widened so much. Shiro suddenly felt the need to protect her. He charged down the hall at them and tore Lotor off of her. "What the hell do you I think you're doing?!" He demanded. "I was just minding my own business. Maybe you should try it sometime." He shot back. "Dude! Back off. She's obviously not interested." He stared daggers at him. "Okay alright I'm going. She's all yours." Lotor backed away.

Shiro blushed a bit and turned to Katie. "Hey. Are you okay?" He said concerned. "I'm fine. Thanks to you." She said looking up at him. "Good. If you're ever in trouble I got your back." He smiled and gave her a small hug. "Thanks. Also thanks for what you did back there. How did you know I was in trouble?" She asked. "I noticed you were gone way longer than a bathroom break so I went looking for you. Good thing I did. That creep was all over you." He said. "Yeah, thank God." she said looking down, slightly embarrassed that she needed saving. "Hey. Let's go find the others okay?" He smiled with warm eyes. "Definitely." And they left to rejoin the fun.

Once they got back Shiro told the others what had happened in private when Katie was out of earshot so she wouldn't be embarrassed. "I'm going to murder him! No on puts their hands on my sister!" Matt growled. "Yeah that is so not cool." Lance said. "Totally." Hunk said clearly upset. Everyone agreed that since they had adopted Pidge as the youngest member of their group they'd all look out for her. Katie came back and they officially took her into their group. She loved her new friends!

After that fiasco, they all had a great rest of the night until everyone left. Since it was a Friday, they all decided to stay over at Allura's house. Although the house was big, there were seven of them and only four bedrooms and Allura insisted that no one take a couch. They decided to make a game out of it. They put seven folded papers, each with a number (1-4), into a cup and everyone drew a number. Just to up the ante, one person would get a room to themselves and the rest would have to share with a partner. They all agreed so everyone was consensual since they were all comfortable around each other. They all drew numbers. Hunk was lucky and got his own room, Allura would share with Katie, Shiro would share with Matt, and Lance would share with Kieth. Everyone was okay with their matches so they left to get into pajamas. Matt had already thought to pre-pack sleepover stuff without telling Katie.

As Katie was brushing her hair, Matt took her aside. "Katie I need a huge favor." He begged. "What is it Matt?" She rolled her eyes. "Can you swap rooms with me? Pleeeaaase??? Don't get me wrong, Shiro's my best friend, but I really want to get some alone time with Allura, ya know what I mean?" He gave her a wink. "Eww. Ugh. Well, you are my favorite only brother-" she started with a smile. "Thank you thank you thank you Katie! You're the best." He gave her a giant bear hug.

Katie smiled as she watched Matt 'Woo hoo' down the hall. She was happy when her brother was happy until it dawned on her that she'd now be sharing a room with Shiro. She felt herself already getting red just thinking about it.

Matt told Shiro about his successful swap and Shiro turned a light pink. "Wait what?" He stuttered. "I know! Isn't it great? A whole night alone in bed with Allura!" He daydreamed. "So I'll be sharing a room with... Katie?!" His eyes widened. "Yeah. So what?" He didn't see the problem. "Dude. Won't that be a little weird because, I don't know, she's a girl? And I'm a guy? And we're not dating like you and Allura? And we're three years apart? And we just met like, let me think, 6 hours ago?" He questioned. Matt looked him straight in the eye. "Takashi Shirogane. I am trusting you to sleep in the same bed as my little sister. Don't be stupid. And remember: I have access to kitchen knives downstairs. Got it?" Shiro gulped, a knot forming in his stomach. "So will you do it? For your best bro?" Matt looked at him with pleading eyes. Shiro sighed and smiled. "Sure Matt. Only for you." He thanked him a million times and ran off to tell Allura about his victory.

Shiro was very nervous about spending the night with Katie. When they first met, he had actually had a great time talking to her. She was actually really pretty. He liked how she was so tiny in comparison to him. She didn't have many curves but he didn't care about that. Her big personality shined through her big, beautiful amber eyes. For some reason, he also felt a need to protect her. He discovered this when he caught Lotor being such a creep. When he laid eyes on her state of helplessness he felt a surge of emotions. He did NOT like this guy on her. He did NOT like her being forced into something she didn't want. And finally, he WANTED to be the one to protect her. "I-I think I might like her.." came across his mind. "That's crazy though! She's a freshmen! Not that there's anything wrong with that, but Matt'd probably kill me." He thought. He imagined them sleeping in the same bed together and started getting red.

They all decided to go to bed since it was now 3 am and half the group, meaning Lance, was already passed out. Kieth dragged him back to their room begrudgingly and the rest of them parted to go separate ways. Shiro and Katie went to their room together, a slight awkward tension hanging in the air. As Shiro rounded the corner, Matt pulled him aside. "Remember what I said." He stared daggers into him. "Of course man. Now you go get in bed with that girl." They laughed.

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