chapter 1

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*Leah POV*


Today is finally Friday the best and the worst day of every week. the best cause no school the next day, but the worst because every class is test, after test, after test. I'm in my last period class right now and luckily we're just watching a movie which mean talk time for most of us. Mallory and Sam are in this class so I just talked to them the whole time. When the bell rings everyone leaves and heads to the lockers which takes like 10 minutes for everyone to get to there's because the halls are so full.

finally I reach my locker where I see my boyfriend already there arms and legs crossed waiting for me. he finally sees me an smirks instantly.

"hello beautiful" jack says as I walk up to my locker
"hello to you too, sir" I give him a peck on the cheek and push him over so I can get in my locker. I grab all my things and look up at him. he was about to kiss me when-

"HEY LOVEY DOVEYS" jack and sam say in unison with Mallory tagging along behind them.

jack let's go of me and pushes the boys to the side and starts yelling at them for interrupting. he's so adorable gosh. Mallory then comes up to me and leans her head on my shoulder.
"hey you alright?" I ask her
"just tired and ready for bed but yet again I wanna go shopping, will you go with me please, please, please, Leah I'll buy you something?"

I hate shopping but Mallory look so smug about something so I give in.
"fine, but I gotta make sure jack didn't want to do anything first ok?"

"fine by me" she rushes and runs off to the boys without giving me a second glance, well ok then I think in my head as I walk over to them.
"hey babe, I'm gonna go to the mall with Mallory but, only if you didn't have anything for us to do today"

"nah is ok, I'll hang with the boys I guess" jack says in a chill yet sadden mood.
"ok then we're gonna go, we'll see you guys later ok?"

jack comes up to me an kisses me while putting something into the back pocket of my jeans.
"buy yourself something you love, but make sure you don't love it more than me." he whispers in my ear making me shiver in a good way.
"thank you. I'll see you tonight ok."
"ok have fun with Mallory and call me when your done." He then kisses me again and I grab Mallory's arm and we wave to them as we walk out the school doors.

Me and Mallory are at the mall until about 5:30 or so with many bags in our hands. "Mallory I'm tired and I've bought so many things, can we be done for the night we still need to head to one of the boys houses before I fall asleep standing?"
"yeah I agree, I'm so tired and I need food before I die" she says in a painful tone

I call jack in the car and let him know we're on our way to his house when he tells me where having a movie night with Jack and Mallory, and then sam. I guess I'm ok with that but i dont know how long me and Mallory will last we probably look like trash as of right now. we pull out of the mall parking lot and head to gilinskys house.

long chapter here. haha everyone vote and comment if you love me or this book I guess. this was just a little chapter but it will get more interesting so don't leave me hanging. I'll write again tomorrow or so.
love you all and tell me what you think should I change it up or what? let me know. again ily all byeeeee.


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