chapter 7

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*Leahs POV*


I'm sitting in a bathroom stall when I hear my 4th period bell ring. I don't want to go to class, I don't want to move, I just want to go home. I'm sitting here in one of the stalls as I see someone come in. I'm guessing it's a teacher because they check the bathrooms every time a class starts to make sure everyone is in class.

I get down on my knees facing the toilet like I would be puking. I start making nasty puking sounds as I hear the lady speak.

"uh ma'am are you ok in there?"

I flush the toilet and unlock the stall door. I'm almost sure it looks like I was puking because I was crying so my face is most likely swollen.

"um yeah I'm ok, I felt like I was going to puke on my way to class so I ran in here. I'm so sorry I didn't make it to class for a pass to the nurse I just feel like complete crap." I say convincing her to get me out of this shit hole of a school.

"oh darling that's ok. let get out of the bathroom and I'll send you a pass to the nurses. you can hand her this pass an she'll give you one so you can grab everything and head home." she says handing me a pass.

"thank you so much, i dont know what's going on I just haven't been feeling well today."

"no worry's. feel better and get back to school as soon as possible." she says as I walk away with a slight nod.


I do everything she says an I'm now my locker grabbing my books I put away before lunch. I see sammy out of the corner of my eye and close my locker quickly. I start walking away as I hear my name being called.


"sorry, I have to go. I'm heading home, I'll see you later." I say showing him my pass and walking away, to the door, and leaving him standing there confused.

I get into my car and text Mallory telling her I didn't feel good and went home. when I'm done texting her I then head to the gas station grab a slushy and go back to my house. my mom is at work and my dad works a night shift job so he's past out asleep. I know they called my mom but I don't really care to talk to anyone as I head to my room and watch nexflix.


it's been about 5 hours since I've been home from school just crying and watching netflix. my mom came and checked on me and noticed I didn't look to well and just left me alone which is what I really want right now.

Mallory has texted me a few times asking if she wants me to come over but I just tell her I'm to sick and I don't want her to get sick. Sam has texted me two times just wanting to make sure I'm ok and Jack has texted me once with a sad face emoji saying "please talk to me".

I hear a car outside but my mom has been back forever and my dad left awhile ago. I look out the window and see sam. I guess I should talk to him I don't want him to be pissed at me for not talking to him, after all he is one of my best friends.

I hear a knock at my bedroom door and my mom peering though.

"hey sammy is here. I don't know if you want him in here he knows your sick but still wants to see you." my mom says at I sit there staring dumbly.

"yeah it's ok, just send him up if he gets sick it's his fault." I say following the plan to be sick.

my mom leaves with a simple nod and I hear her go down the stairs. I put my hair in a messy bun and shut off my t.v. as I see my door open slightly. Sam pokes his head in and says

"are you gonna throw something at me, or can I come in without being killed."

"Samantha you may come in" I say as I grab the stuffed animal on my bed next to me.

As Sam starts walking up my 3 little steps before you are on the main part of my room I throw the animal square at his face. (what can I say I've got good aim)

He screams as it hits him and he looks up at me glaring as I start cracking up. I seriously hit him so hard in the face, and his scream was like a 5 year old little girls.

he keeps glaring as he comes and lays down next to me in my bed, just like old times.

I finally stop laughing and look over at him to see he's looking at me smirk and all. I stare at him wondering what he wants from me and I become scared as him grin gets bigger. I know what's coming and I don't want it.

"SAMUEL IM NOT KIDDING IF YOU START TICK-" I'm interrupted by hands flying to my stomach tickling me instantly.

"S-SAAMMMM STOP OMG SAMTHANA S..STOP" I say as water starting falling from my eyes I'm laughing so hard.

"SAY I LOVE SAM WILKINSON AND I WILL." he says climbing on top of me getting a better advantage at tickling me.

"N.. NNO I WILL NOT, A-AAHH" I say not being able to breath anymore.

"then I guess I'm staying right here and, I'm gonna keep tickling you" he says satisfied.

"FINE I L..LOVE SAM WILK.. WILKINSON THERE STOP SAM STOP." I scream as sam finally stops tickling me and jumps next to me.

"so you gonna explain why you left school butter cup" sam says more calm down

butter cup used to be like our thing. we called each other that no matter the situation. now that I think about it, we embarrassed each other a lot.

"just wasn't feeling it. i dont know?"

"Leah come on you know you left cause the lunch thing. We were going to bring a chair over i dont know why you over reacted."

"sam that's not it. you and me pretty much grew up telling each other to not be with the populars, we told each other we'll be normal students and not with the populars no matter what. why does that change for you now? cause I'm with jack cause jack is getting more famous I just don't get it?" I say obviously annoyed with the topic.

"Leah, Jack wanted to sit there not me, but I went with it. I don't want you to be mad at me or jack ok. he felt horrible after you ran off, he was like crying."

"listen I won't he mad at you guys I just need time home. today and tomorrow and I'll come back."

when I see he's not satisfied I also add. "promise butter cup."

with that me and sam watch a movie and he dashes off home to finish his homework and eat dinner since my house has no food. I just lay here and think about how me and sam never wanted to be popular.

Jack is going to change this completely within a few months.


feeling pretty good about this chapter.

haha by the way my friend thought Leah was like Leigh jacks actually girl friend but it's LEE-AH so she's not Leigh at all. haha buutttt


I hope you all enjoyed this make sure you vote an comment what you think about sam and Leah. what's gonna happen!!!! let me know.


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