第十四章 // Chapter 14

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"I'm so done.." MeiHua huffed, throwing herself on the floor. "Congratulations girls you managed to perfect the choreography in two days, I'm impressed!" The Trainer praised us and dismissed us.

We worked really hard during the past two days. I'd say we were quite good for a rookie group. Just at that very moment the CEO walked in and greeted us.

"I got very positive feedback from your trainer, good job." She praised.
We talked for a bit until our manager walked into the room and gave us our schedules.
We would be recording tomorrow and after that we'd film the music video for the next three days. Fortunately, we would have a day free right after the busy days.

We got driven back and the most unexpected thing happened when we entered the place.
"Surprise!!!" The Nine Percent members jumped out.

"The heck are you doing here?" I asked a bit rudely, which made them pout.
"We wanted to surprise you! Aren't you happy?" XuKun hugged my arm.
"Ya, I'm very happy.. anyway, sit down!"
I offered them a seat and they all threw themselves on the couch, except for ZiYi, XuKun and YanJun, because they are normal.

Okay no, YanJun is not normal..
He just wanted to protect his "beautiful" face.

"Uhm, ChuXia do you want to introduce us?"
YiRen asked from behind.
One by one I introduced everyone and they seemed to understand each other well.

"Well, I'll get some fresh air outside."
Before I was able to open the door a hand had already went past me to open it.
"I'll accompany you." Justin smiled.

The two of us enjoyed the fresh night air.
"We haven't seen each other for a long time."
He started. "I missed you."
I stayed silent, only listening to his voice.

I felt his hand clasp together with mine.
I decided to hold his hand too, it was the only warmth I felt.

"Justin, I need to talk to you.."
He turned to me, we stopped walking and just stood there looking at each other.

I felt his hand squeezing mine reassuring me that he's listening and there for me.
"I don't know how to start..." My eyes averted from his and went down.

"If it's about your feelings I understand.."

"Huh what do you mean?"

"ChuXia.. I really really really like you, but I understand if you don't feel the same or just need more time.."

I couldn't say anything, I was like paralyzed.
Then he sent me a smile, his beautiful smile.
I couldn't hold it anymore.

My feet started to move towards him.
My face went closer to his and my eyes closed. I kissed him.
His lips were soft, they fit mine perfectly.
We were moving in sync until I decided to break the kiss.

"I-I-I'm sorry.." I stuttered out.
He answered me with another peck on my lips. "You're mine."
Something in the bushes moved, which sadly broke the beautiful moment with Justin.

"Shiiiit, they heard us..." A very familiar voice yelled-whispered.
"......... Zhu ZhengTing?" I questioned, and the said boy slowly appeared out of his hideout. He looked back and motioned for others to come out.

"You're all here?" Justin scrunched his eyebrows. No way.... my mind went blank. I was so embarrassed. "You heard everything?" I blurted out. "Oh we even recorded you two."
Xiao Gui held up his phone with the video on it.

"So are you a thing now?" QiQi interrupted.
Before anyone could answer I let out an inhuman squeal and ran back to the apartment

"ChuXia, come out we're leaving!"
XuKun knocked on my room door.
Deciding it was finally time I opened the door and bid them a goodbye. Justin was the last to leave.

"Goodbye ChuChu!" He gave me a quick kiss on my nose and walked out.

I touched my nose, not believing that just happened. I kissed Justin, Huang Minghao! My childhood crush! In my mind I was screaming, but on the outside I looked blank.

"Soooo ChuXia.. you and Justin Huh?"
YiRen wriggled her brown teasing me.
"Shut up!" I threw a random pillow at her.
"I wish you two good luck!" MingYue gave me her signature smile.

"But we confirmed nothing!" I cried out.
"Justin said that he wanted to officially ask you out when you ran away.." MeiHua blandly said, earning three hits from the other members.

"That was suppose to be a surprise you idiot!"
YiRen glared the the youngest.
"Ooooopps.. sorry." She sheepishly laughed.

"Anyway ChuXia, you know now.. so think about it, you have time." QiQi left to get some sleep, and so did the others.

My phone lit up

ChuXia.. I really do like you, even love. Please give us a chance?

I took the whole night to think about it. I really wasn't sure. Of course I liked him back, but I was afraid of everything. Of the fans, of our careers. What if something would happen to him because of salty, jealous fans?

And I received another message.
This time it was a text though, Justin
sent me a memo. The curious me quickly played the audio he sent.

It was a small clip of him singing Xiao Ban.
After listening to the whole recording I knew what my answer was.

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