Finding Out (Dean Pregnancy series)

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(This is the first part of the pregnancy series, I hope you all like it. The next one should be up soon)

I had been feeling sick the last week, but I figured it what just from our last hunt since we ate at gas stations and diners almost every day of that hunt. I also hadn't gotten my period yet but it has never been on time since I got the stupid thing. So I grabbed Deans keys and snuck out to the nearest store to get a test just to see, since Dean and I aren't really doing anything to prevent a child so I think that I might be expecting. I drove about 10 mins away and parked outside the local drugstore and bought 4 tests and left making it back to the bunker before Dean or Sam woke up. I ran to the bathroom and took the tests and waited for the timer to go off, after 5 minutes I looked at the tests to see I was indeed pregnant; I sat with my head in my hands as I heard slow footsteps I looked up seeing Sam standing there. "Y/n? You ok?" He asked as he knelt beside me, I shook my head as I handed him a test that was beside me. Sam squinted and looked at me then the test "woah so you and Dean are going to have a kid?" He asked I looked at him and started to cry all over again. Dean soon appeared in the doorway "what's going on?" He yawned rubbing his eyes "oh Y/n's not feeling good" Sam said causing Dean to look at me "well why didn't she come to me?" He asked his brother Sam sighed and stood up "I was heading out for my run Dean" he said before leaving the room. Dean sat down beside me rubbing my back I leaned on him "sweetheart I think you need to go to the hospital" he said I shook my head causing me to groan from my headache from crying. Dean sighed angrily "babe you haven't been feeling well for almost 2 weeks you need to either go to the doctor or the hospital" he insisted. I stood up shaking slightly "fine I will go to the doctor." I snapped heading into our room making an appointment for this afternoon and getting ready to go. Dean stood in the doorway "are you coming with me?" I ask him not looking at him "well obviously" he said in a duh tone. I rolled my eyes and finished getting ready "continue with the attitude Winchester and I'll go by myself" I growled. We made it to my appointment and I made Dean wait in the waiting room, the doctor came in with an ultrasound machine and did a scan on my tummy, I cried seeing the little peanut. I sighed as we finished up the appointment and I headed out to Dean. "They'll let me know" I lied to him as we left the office since I already made an appointment next month.

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