He Steps Up (Pregnancy Series Dean)

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Dean and I haven't talked for almost 2 weeks since he said what he did. I hadn't even tried to make contact with him, he had caused this mess so he could fix it. Dean sighed as he sat in the bunker library reading over the many books that Sam had picked out for him. He was trying to learn as much as he could, since anyone who knew the Winchester boys knew that neither brother was very good with kid, well unless they are saving them.  I walked past the library as Dean was finishing his reading "Y/n,can you come in here?" He asked  I hesitated as I slowly stepped toward him "yes?"I asked as I stepped closer. He held his hand out toward me I put my hand in his, he smiled sadly as I held back tears as he was finally here, I know what you are thinking he has always been there but he wouldn't talk to me. "I'm so sorry sweetheart, I promise that I want this baby and I will try to be a better dad then my dad was, at least I kinda know what a  good dad is since I had bobby" Dean said as I looked at him with a smile as tears rolled down my cheeks. I nodded my head as I smiled at him as he put a hand on my belly, "I would love for you to be apart of our babys life" I whispered to him.

Jensen Ackles/ Dean Winchester X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now