Morning Sickness (Pregnancy Series Dean)

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I woke up feeling a weird turning in my belly that was slowly rising into my throat. I jumped up and raced to the washroom letting the contents of my stomach empty into the toilet. After I finished I leaned back sitting on the tile floor "babe?" Dean's voice called from outside the bathroom I groaned as he stepped into the room "I'm sorry" he said as he rubbed my back. I got up with Dean's help and headed back to our room to lay down. Dean went into the library seeing Sam sipping his coffee reading a book "Sam, I think y/n is a little farther along then we thought" he said as sat down. Sam looked at his brother confused "why do you say that?" He asked  "well according to those books you made me read, her morning sickness shouldn't start for another 2 weeks but she's had it for this whole week plus last week." Dean said like it was the most obvious thing in the world causing Sam to laugh "Dean morning sickness can happen at anytime during the pregnancy and sometimes woman don't get it at all." Sam said as he stood up heading toward the kitchen. Dean headed back toward our room as I layed on our bed sipping from my water bottle. "How you feeling sweetheart?" He asks I smile at him "I feel a little better" I say as he lays down with me rubbing my belly, Sam stood by the door smiling at his big brother finding   happiness and finally maning up and now he's having a kid.

Jensen Ackles/ Dean Winchester X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now