Got some news on the story

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Okay so I have set up a schedual for updates and such. Starting next, next week, I'll be working on this story's next chapter. Why? Because:

1) I have a job
2) I'll be out of town with fam next week so service will be bad
3) I'm working on art commissions
4) I have started an animation project

The last thing is something I'm very excited to work on. I made a bunch of anthropomorphic animal characters (mainly cuz I can't freakin draw people) and decided to make a series for them

Here is the official art of the series:

Here is the official art of the series:

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Welcome To Project D.N.A my friends

But anyway, back to the story, the next chapter will contain the three boy's attempt 2. Let's just say, I've got some great ideas for them. Mwa ha ha ha!

Lol. Anyway, thanks for baring with me. See ya in the next chapter! Love ya!

Illness for a Hero (Bnha x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now