☆Spicing things up☆

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Ross walks to laura: " That was amazing! When did you get like THAT!?"

Laura: " I always was like that."

Jose smiles and says: " Thank you Laura!! I'm totally telling everyone!" He said hugging her befor running off.

Ross: " Where did you get those essays from? What time is the hangout?"

Laura: " When I grew more of a self confidence I was going make sure that I said what  I've been wanting for awhile. So I made those essays and was going my old school's principal the thing I told our principal. Then I move so, yeah. Oh right after school!"

Ross: " Before you leave. Could you tell me what you use to like about me?"

Laura: " Sure? You were cute and kinda still are. You such a cute Squeaky voice. And....... that all I remember.  Sorry that was while back." She said every word without blushing or the smallest smile. And left the blondie wonder.

Ross could only say to himself was: " Hm?"

Jake comes back: " Hey what were you Laura talking about?"

Ross: " Laura was amazing and adorkable!" He said blushing while slowly coming back to earth from his mind.

Jake chuckles: " Oh my gosh."

Ross's mind has came back to earth and he says: " Next week on Friday we no more school and SUMMER VACATION."

Jake: " I know Jose told me! I'm so much more happier that laur has came back better than ever. She more self confidence."

Ross nods his head in agreement and says: " Yep she is."

Jake: " Hey did you know that laura has a dog named Spike!"

Ross eyes light up a bit: " No, but whoa. So what type of dog?"

Jake: " It has mixed breeds, but the main one is......... and now I forget." He then leave to his class still trying to trigger what laura said about her dog. Ross leaves to his class and sits down.

Laura whispers to him who was siting arcoss from her: " I forgot to tell you we have all the classes together. Sorry, but you were the only one the came to mind when they asked me who I want to have all the same classes with so I don't lost."

Ross smiles big: " I find that as a complement. No need to apologize."

Laura smiles a bit: " Then your welcome?" She said unsure.


Ah good old Ross. I have to say he's matured a bit. As I'm listening to the teach I hear a flop sound. And in my peripheral vision I saw Ross secertly throw a piece of paper type. So I take my eyes off of the teacher and look down to see a paper folded up in a square. I open it and roll my eyes as I read it. Really Ross that all you have to say. Then I felt like a red target. As soon as I heard those words.

Mr. Robby: " Laura! Do you have something you would like to share?" He said referring to the note I was busy reading.

Laura smiles: " Yes." I got up and walk to the front of the class. I could see Ross in the back freaking out on me thinking I'll the the stupid note. Which said 'This is soooo BORING!'. Like really!! Luckily I didn't in trouble for just reading it and not listening. But seriously get in trouble for that stupid note. So as I look at the class with a smile they all have a blank look and some of the like ROSS show a bored look. So I spoke up.

Laura: " What's with everyone's look. Here lets make learning fun. Not Boring fun. Fun fun. So how bout we read chapter Four and then transform it into a song or rap. And we partner up. And then present then infront of the class when we're finish. So you can present it on Monday or today or anyday your ready. When we present the class will judge it by rating points from 1 to 10." Everyone's face lightens with a  smiles. And I walk to the teach to see what he has to say.

Mr. Robby: " Well done Ms. Marano." Then I smiles and walk back to Ross. He was also smiling. I knew I could change things. I knew If I did this people would want to learn until the actual day to graduate and leave school. Plus theh don't know it to early for that there not ready. I know what I said earlier,  but I want them to say it so them realize school isn't so hard and could be fun too.

Ross: " Laura?" He said shaking me out of my thought. I realized I was staring at a window which was behind him.

Laura: " Sorry I was thinking."

Ross chuckles: " About a Windows?"

Laura laughs:" Maybe."

Ross: " Don't worry I don't mind you thinking about the windows. Anyways song or rap?"

Laura: " Song!?" I said unsure if he want to, but sure I want to.

Ross: " Definitely!" He stands up. As we share a moment looking at each other for second. I back away a little since there was practically no space between us. Like who wants us that close. I'm pretty sure Ross and I didn't either.

Laura: " Here how bout this." I said grabbing a song out of my science book. I wrote it when.... well that classified! So I handed him the song.

Ross smiles very big: " This is perfect just like you." I don't believe him since I heard him say I was imperfect. Plus nobody is perfect. I do believe the song is.

Laura:" Great will you sing it?"

Ross: " Nope, are you? Since I never heard you sing. And I would get credit if I sung it and thats your song. So I don't want take credit for something I didn't do or help do."

Laura: " You know I haven't finished the song yet. Plus we have to work together. I'll sing it,  and then you'll have credit for helping out makeing the rest of the song. Ok?"

Ross: " Oh ok. How does the melody go?" He asked since I had no notes written down. That's because I the music sheet for it was in my math book which was in my locker. So I hummed it to him. I relized we're still standing. End Of Pov.

Laura: " It's better with some type of instrument. And the reason there's no notes down is that the music sheet in my locker."

Ross:" No I like your humming better and soon maybe you sing."

Laura: " Well thank you."

Ross: " Should be thanking you."

Laura show a bit of confusion and says: " Ok." The bell rings. They leave to their lockers.


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So quick question!

What if were the most hottest person on earth, BUT your were half red and yellow? (Sorry had to put raura fav colors. XD )

Peace out! And have a PEACEYPANCAKE DAY! Unless you hate or dislike PANCAKES. :'(

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