9🌹 The painting🌹

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It is normal to freak a little out situation in this way, but I tried to act the opposite. The fear in me kept on growing as I hid my hands and tried to wipe the blood off somehow. Jungkook has already parked the car in front of the big gate, as he looked at me with his eyebrows crushed together, and shoved his hand into the glovebox itself.

The few seconds when he touched the glove, i thought It feel like an eternity. I didn't know what to do with myself, should I run out and just get out of here? I could hide somewhere and then call Taehyung. Taehyung. He was right, some things are not right here with Jungkook. I could swear that my heart stopped to beat as I still sat there frozen in place.

"Ew, hyung could at least wash out his dirty gloves after the hunt and take with them." He shook his hand as he had the red liquid on them. With wide-open eyes, I stared atJungkook completely pulled out of the concept. "Hunt?" I asked meekly. His eyes met mine and looked at me a frown.

The fear wasn't so great as he repeated himself then. "Yeah, Hyung and I sometimes goes hunting, you know, shooting animals and stuff like that." He gave me a slight laugh. I felt relief and didn't asked anything else. I just felt like crying. The shock subsided and my emotions mingled in my chest.

"Are you afraid of blood or why are you so pale?" He asked me as he cleaned his fingers with a handkerchief. I didn't get word out when a knot formed in my throat. I think that was a little too much for me.

Shaking my head like no, my trembling hand reached for the handkerchief pack. Jungkook dropped his hands on his lap and watched my movements. A sigh slipped out of him as he saw my trembling hand tried to get the blood out of the fingertips. His warm hand embraced mine and he spoke softly as he helped me wipe away the liquid.

"It's all right to admit his fears." For the first time he was so nice to me, gentle and careful, he hold my hand and with the other he wiped away the rest of the blood. It was better for me to just play along with it than let him know that I held him for a short time a murderer. "So, finished." He said and looked at me. The cold that was always in him was gone, his eyes looked at me warmly with a smile.

"Thank you." I almost whispered and looked aside. I was embarrassed for my own thoughts. Yes, he is a cold-hearted guy, arrogant and a jerk. But this doesn't have to be mean he could be murder. I scolled myself in my mind many times for doing it. "Let's go? Jimin must be waiting for us."

He spoke and opend his car door before get out. Finnaly I gathered myself together and pushed all my bad thoughts aside. There were no place for them this night. I has to relaxe and calm myself down for god's sake.


About two hours we were in Jimins hous. The people filled slowly the large living room with their laughs and conversations.
Each of them from a highly respected family. With a bored look I observed every one of them. Somehow it was strange for me to stay in this circle of people, I didn't feel well, but maybe it was just that I had not recovered from the glove thing yet.

"I'll be right back." Said Jungkook and made his way to one of the guests when he left me behind. I sighed and sipped at the red wine Jimin pressed into my hand. Not too long I stood alone when Namjoon accompanied me. "Do you enjoy the evening, pretty?" His eyes looked straight into mine, his mouth slightly drawn to the side into a small smile which again made his dimple show up.

"Uhm, yeah, I think." I breathed out with weak smile. Namjoon nooded his head as he then broke the eye contact and looked through the people." Actually i didn't though Jungkook would ask you to accompany him, this boy is full of surprises." Again his eyes met mine with a huge smile this time.

"Yeah, same here." I said remembering the situation in his office. Only about the though I felt like my heart was racing agin a and the heat raised to my cheeks." Are you okay?" He asked and leaned his head closer to my face with wide eyes. Nooding fast I turned then my face aside.

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