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"I don't know if it should just be a bad joke or not, but this message can't be traced back. "Explained Jung with a piteous expression on his face while i bit my lip hard until I felt the pain and my knee bounced up and down at a fast pace of nervousness and anxiety.

"Are you sure?" I once asked him hoping to get another answer, and Jungsik nodded slightly with his head making me growl in frustration. As Taehyung arrived at home I didn't tell him about the mail, I headed for Jungsik in the police station.

I had to get a few answers before I could get Taehyung worried. Jungsik tried to get out with all the means who was the source of the terrible mail was, but he couldn't, the track wasn't to be tracked as it seemed the sender had wired himself with several wires.

"I'm sorry, but I can not do anything in the mkment. Promise me you will not do anything on your part, promise me you will not be loitering in the street late at night and please ... please don't leave the house alone. "Asked me jungsik as he held my hands and stared at me pleading eyes." I promise "

This time it was not a lie of mine, this time I took his words and, ask seriously. It wasn't just no fuss that was buzzing around me, it was serious and as long as I didn't knew it was possibly a joke, I had myself to keep to rules to stay alive and not to be in some sort of news as a another victim by the murder.

Jungsik's eye glared at me as he let go of my hands then. "I'll have to think a lot about how we can grab the offender who sent you the message, I really hope someone just jokes with you has, and it wasn't The Rose in person."

Voiced Jungik sure as his eyes wandered to the screen of the computer. His look as intense as if he wanted to look through it. He searched in vain for a little tip in the short mail. However, there was nothing and it drove him crazy. Jungsik asked for permission to copy the message, which of course I agreed to. Now the highest caution was required for me.


As I was about to get out of the car I noticed a black car on the other side of the road that I already knew. Jungkook saw me coming out of the car with a vacant expression as our eyes then met. With a file in his hands, he stood in front of his car and greeted me. All in glory like always he stood there confident yet a little unsure with himself.

He didn't knew how he should start the conversation as he looked with difficult in his eyes. But you in the another hand hid the effect of nervous under a blank expression. You was satisfied this time with yourself and your ability to let him feel a little nervous underneath your stares.

"How are you feeling?" He asked and looked aside picking his tongue against his cheek." Thank you, I'm fine." You replied him dryly although his appearance there let your heart beat a little faster, not understanding the reason for your hearts behavior you teared your eyes from Jungkooks side profile.

"I'm glad you're okay. I brought you your sketches, its good. I didn't knew you are that good in this." I frown at him and took the file out of his hands." If I wouldn't, I couldn't call me a book writer right?" I said dryly and Jungkook nood his head before his nervous facial Expression fall as he looked once again at me." You know, actually I'm here to say sorry."

For the first time i saw sincerely in his eyes. For the first time i saw another side beside of his rage, anger and blank expression. My heart beat fastened up when i kept looking in those soft dark eyes with a slight sparkle in them.

Jungkook sighned and run with his hand through his hair in frustration. It was really hard for him to say sorry to someone, but he knew he had to do this.

The last days the scenario in his office replayed in his mind over and over again what let him see where he was wrong. It would be the first time for him to say to someone like me sorry and it made him a little nervous." Really? And how I received this honor?"

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