Chapter 1

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So this is my first story on here...well I hope you guys like it! Please tell me what you think!

To the story!

Chapter 1

"Roxy! Honey, come downstairs for a sec," called my dad from downstairs.

I looked at my clock on my bedside table. "Seven a.m. Its my first day of summer vacation. Who the hell wakes up at seven on summer vacation?" I asked myself. Maybe its not that important and I can skip it....

"Roxanne!" Dammit. No such luck.

"I'm coming!" This better be good.

And it was.

When I got downstairs, the hottest guy in the world was standing there. Where has this guy been all my life? He was about 6ft 3 with blue eyes and dark brown hair. Lord, take me now...

"Hey," His voice was deep and a bit rough, "I'm Ashton." Ashton? Where have I heard that name before?

"H-hey..." Was my oh so great response. Note the sarcasm?

"I uh, my name's Roxanne but everybody calls me Roxy." I said once I regained my voice. He nodded in return.

"Roxy, Ashton is my best friend's son. He'll be staying with us for the summer. Maybe you can show him around and make friends with him." My dad basically ordered. I just nodded, still mesmerized by this guy's beauty. "I'm actually surprised you guys don't recognize each other. Before....the um, divorce happened, you guys would hang out all the time like best friends!" I hated when he brought up the divorce. It would always trigger bad memories. Anyways back to Ashton.

"Sorry dad, I'm not sure I recognize Ashton. We um, moved here when I was really little remember?" I tried to change the subject away from the divorce.

"Hardly, I mean you were eight years old! How can you not remember? Here I'll dig out pictures that your mom took. Oh and she's in some of them, too, now that I think about it."

You see, my dad, Charlie, was still living in the past a bit. He never got over the divorce when my mom decided to walk out on him and go all sluts-ville.

"You know what, dad? That won't be necessary, I'm starting to remember Ashton." The last thing I needed was to see those pictures.

"Well if you say so, bud.."

"And I do. Anyways I'll show Ashton up to his new room, if you don't mind, daddy." He nodded and walked out of the living room to the basement, probably to dig up those pictures anyway.

"Ashton, if you'll follow me." I directed towards the stairs and led him to the guest bedroom.

Once there, I turned to Ashton. "So um, if you need anything, you can always ask my dad or myself. But not right now. Right now, I have to sleep. I usually don't wake up until eleven. Which means I get four more hours of sleep that I dearly need or I will be pretty bitchy for the rest of the day. On that note, goodnight." I smiled and was about to walk out when I heard him chuckle and say, "Same old Roxy..."

I turned arund, "What are you talking about?"

"Nothing, you just haven't changed since I last saw you." He must of seen my expression because then he added, "You really don't remember, do you? Roxy we were inseparable back then. Before...everything happened..." I knew what he meant by 'everything'- the divorce.

"I really am sorry, Ashton but no, I don't remember. I guess I blocked out all the memories from my childhood because they all involved my mom. I really don't want to remember her...or anything that happned when she was still in my life." I suddenly heard myself basically spilling out my life story to this guy. What the hell is wrong with me? Why do I suddenly feel so...'me' around him? I felt like I didn't have to hide anything.

"Well, for what its worth, I clearly remember making mud pies with you." Ashton chuckled. "But I've never really forgotten about you, Roxy, and I really missed you." His blue eyes locked me in his gaze. I remember seeing those eyes. I don't know where but they're extremely familiar.

"My mom told me you probably wouldn't remember so she told me to give you this. Maybe trigger some memories?" He handed me a picture of a little boy and a little girl. The little girl was smiling at the camera with a big toothy grin while the little boy was holding her hand and kissing her cheek. "We were about 5 or 6 in that picture and I still remember the day. That was when I asked you to be my best friend forever and you smiled and nodded. I was so happy because we were never going to- for lack of better words- break up. So I grabbed your hand and kissed your cheek and that's when my mom thought it'd be a good idea to take a picture." I was still looking at the picture while he was explaining this. When I looked up I saw embarrassment, humor, and...guilt? Why did he look guilty? I was about to say something when he spoke up. "You can keep the picture if you want. I have- I mean my mom has tons of them." He scratched the back of his neck nervously.

"Thanks, Ashton, I'd love to keep it." I was about to walk out when I felt a hand grab my wrist.


"Yeah?" He looked really nervous about something.

"Can I have a hug? You know for old time's sake?" I smiled

"Of course."

I felt his strong arms wrap around my waist and I instinctively wrapped mine around his neck. It was the kind of hug that a boyfriend would give his girlfriend. I didn't notice until now how much taller he is than me. I'm only 5ft 5. He pressed his face in my neck and I could feel his soft breathing on me. My heart took off in a sprint. I'm pretty sure he could feel it since our chests were pressed up against each other. Oh crap! What if he could feel it? How embarrassing! My face was heating up when we pulled away from the hug.

I cleared my throat."Well I'm gonna go get those four hours of sleep I desperately need. See you when I wake up? Maybe we could hang out or something?"

He smiled, "I'd like that."

With a quick wave I was heading towards my room when I realized what I was wearing. Really short pajama shorts with a spaghetti strapped shirt and my hair was in a messy bun. Jeez, I probably look like a slut. Awesome first impression, huh?

Then another thought popped in my head once I was laying in my bed: 'Why did he look so guilty?'

That was the last thought that I had before drifting off to a dreamless sleep.

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