Chapter 11

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Chapter 11


Oh God.

What am I doing?

Why am I doing whatever I'm doing?

Why doesn't my heart skip a beat like this when I kiss Eric?

Oh shit.


I immediately pulled away from Ashton.

"I'm sorry. That shouldn't have happened. It was a mistake." I whispered.

"No, it wasn't, Roxy. I know you felt that too." He whispered back.

"I don't know what you're talking about. Thank you for explaining everything but you have to get out of my room. I have a boyfriend, Ashton." I said, still in a daze.

"Then dump him!" He whisper- yelled.

"I can't do that to him, Ashton, and I certainly cannot cheat on him like that. So, please, before this goes any further, leave and forget the last five minutes ever happened." I got up from my bed and walked to the door, opening it so he could get out.

"Fine, I'll leave, but I can't forget about that kiss and I know you can't either." He sighed. "Goodnight, Roxy." He kissed my forehead before leaving.

Well, shit.

I always talk shit about girls that are stuck in between two guys and now here I am, stuck between my best friend who is now my boyfriend and my old childhood best friend who I thought just wanted to get in my pants.

My life is seriously messed up in more ways than one.

I mean, I think I like Ashton. He makes me feel things I've never felt before with any guy.

I need to talk to Nina.

She's my best friend. She'll know what to do.


I looked at the clock beside my bed.

'11:00 p.m.' It read.

Hmm...she should be awake.

I quickly dialed her number.

"What, bitch?" She muttered, sleepily. Since when does she fall asleep before eleven?

"Um...can you come now? It's really important and I really need your amazing advice on something." I was hoping she'd say yes. I really need her.

" owe me Starbucks, then." We both laughed. She really loves Starbucks.

"Deal. And thank you so much. You're the best friend ever."

"I know. I'll be there in five."

I stay in my room when a thought came to me.

Ashton had a girl in his room when I got home.

Why did he kiss me?

He obviously wanted- or was already- to do the nasty with her so why did he kiss me?

I was about to go confront him about it when my phone vibrated next to me.

'Open the door, bitch. I'm outside and bored.'

Of course she would want me to open the door just because she's bored.

I quickly went downstairs and opened the door.

"You better have food or this was a waste of time for me." She muttered, heading to the kitchen.

"Of course I have food." I replied, taking out a box of Oreo pop tarts- my favorite.

"So what did you wanna talk about?" Nina asked, as soon as Ashton walked in, and snapping me out of my chocolatey trance.

"Don't interrupt me and my Oreo goodness." I scolded playfully but just avoiding her question while Ashton was in the room.

"Uhh...Roxy? You're pretty much done with your 'Oreo goodness'." She muttered.

I looked down at my hands and realized I had about a fourth of my pop tart left.

I sighed for two reasons:

1.) I'd have to explain why I called her over this late.

2.) This one's the most important- I'm almost out of pop tart.

I sighed again.

"Roxy, what's wrong?" Ashton asked, concerned.

"Nothing, she's just almost out of pop tart." Nina muttered. "Come on, let's go to your room. I wanna tell you something."

I looked at her confused. I called her over to tell her something. Not the other way around.

She gave me a look that said just go with it so I did.

"Alright, let's go." I murmured.

Once in my room, Nina plopped down on my bed and sighed.

"Okay, spill it." She sat up.

So I did. I told her everything.

"Damn, you're in some deep shit, Roxx." Nina sighed.

"No, shit. Why do you think I called you? I need your advice." I put my head on her shoulder. This girl is the sister I always wanted.

"Well, I think you should tell Eric your thoughts. He'll understand. It's Eric, that kid loves you. And I especially think you should tell him about tonight. There's no sense in keeping it from him. If you do, you'll just hurt him more in the long run." I ignored the 'love' thing and smiled at her. She was always there when I needed her.

I wrapped my arms around her in a hug. "I love you, whore."

She chuckled. "Love you too, bitch."

We both started laughing and fell on the bed.

"I'll talk to Eric tomorrow." I decided out loud.

"You can do it. He'll understand. Trust me." We both fell asleep, tired of thinking.


There's chapter 11! Hope you like it! I'm bored in Geometry right now-_-

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