Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I woke up to the smell of bacon. Ahhh bacon....

I went downstairs to the kitchen and saw my dad cooking breakfast.

"Morning, baby girl. I'm making you some breakfast. How does pancakes, eggs, and bacon sound?"

Just then my stomach growled, demanding food. "Sounds delicious! Hurry up though. I'm starving."

He chuckled. "It's almost ready. Why don't you go wake Ashton up? I'm sure he'd want some of this too."

I nodded and went up stairs to Ashton's room. I knocked on his door. "Ashton? My dad's making breakfast. Want some?" I heard some shuffling then footsteps getting closer to the door.

He opened the door.


Just his boxers.

Nothing else.

Dear Lord.

My breath caught in my throat. Holy crap. What is this guy doing to me?

His hair was slightly messy and his eyes were half open. "What time is it?" His voice was hoarse from sleep. I swear that is the sexiest thing in a guy- his voice when he first wakes up.

"Ummm its about 11:30. You don't have to come down if you're still sleepy."

"No, its fine. This way I won't have to make my own breakfast when I wake up later." He chuckled slightly at his own joke. His eyes suddenly popped right open. "Holy shit." I heard him mutter.

"Is something wrong?" I asked.

"No, not at all. I just umm, really saw what you're wearing..." His cheeks were slightly pink.

My eyes went wide. Crap! My hair was probably a mess. I have no make up on. I'm wearing super short shorts and a tank top- just like this morning. Jeez, why didn't I change?

"Crap, sorry. I probably look disgusting. Just let me go change." I turned to walk away when a strong hand wrapped around mine.

"Don't go. You look...beautiful." I wasn't sure I heard him right. Did he say beautiful?

"Did you say beautiful?" I asked him. He scratched the back of his neck then nodded. Blush creeped its way on my face.

"Uh, thanks. We should head downstairs for breakfast." He nodded.

"Just let me put on a shirt and I'll be right down." It was my turn to nod. I headed downstairs and my dad was fixing our plates.

"Is Ashton coming down for breakfast?"

"Yeah he should be down in a minute." I replied, still a little flustered.

"You know, Roxy, your mother-" I cut him off.

"I don't want to hear anything about that woman so don't even start dad." My voice was dripping with hostility.

"Roxy, I know what she did was wrong but we have to learn to not live in the past. Besides she wants to see you." Yes, because living in the past isn't looking at old photos everyday. I've caught him many times.


She wants to see me?!

"How do you know she wants to see me?" If he's been talking to-

"I've been talking to her. She feels really bad for what she did. She wants to get back together."


"You're kidding, right? You can't be serious. She's stupid if she believes that you'll get back together with her. And about seeing me: she can shove that idea up her ass."

"Roxy, don't talk about her like that. She's your mother. And frankly, I think its a good idea that we get back together." I checked to see if he was joking. Nope. No humor here.

"Dad, you can't be serious. After what she did to you? Not only are you defending her, you're getting back together?! I can't believe you. She'll gonna do the same shit. She'll be in our lives for a while then she'll leave again. Why can't you fit that through your thick skull? She's never going to change. Ever." I was beyond mad. This is horrible. If she thinks she can waltz right in here like nothing ever happened, sh's got something else coming for her.

When he didn't reply, it got worse. I'd never thought I'd say these words to my father.

"If you get back together with that bitch, don't expect the daughter you see everyday. Expect a daughter that won't acknowledge your presence, that won't care what the hell you think. Expect a daughter that hates you." I shoved the plate that was in front of me away and walked to my room slamming the door behind me. That's when the tears and sobs attacked me.


She let my doorway with a slight blush on her face. Man, this bet was going to be easier than I thought. Yeah, sure, it was bad. Like I care. If I did this, I'd get major popularity points back home. I pulled on a shirt and some sweats when my phone rang. I answered without looking to see who it was.


"Yo! Ashton, my man!" Drake's familiar voice sounded through the phone.

"Hey man. What's up?"

"Just wondering when you're gonna chicken out from the bet." His voice was cocky. Like he knew I'd chicken out sooner or later. Please. I'm the biggest player at our school.

"Not gonna happen, Drake. So you better start saving that $1,000 dollars you're gonna owe me when this is over." My voice was equally cocky. There was no way I was backing out.

"Whatever man. Just remember, you have to get her to sleep with you. And get a video or it didn't happen." He laughed.

"I know, Drake. You told me ten times already. I get it. Sex plus video for the $1,000."

"Alright man, well I gotta go. See you at the end of summer." And he hung up not waiting for a reply. I was used to it though. Drake was my best friend. Back home, we're the biggest players there is. All the girls at our feet, practically kissing the ground we walk on. Life was good.

Now, to get Roxy in bed. Yeah I still remembered her. This'll make it easier to get her in bed. She's gullible and hot.

All had to do was get on her good side, act like the cute little boy I used to be, and she'll be wrapped around my finger in a matter of weeks. Too easy. Oh and another thing, she's a killer for blue eyes. All the more advantage for me.

I suddenly heard Roxy yelling. What the hell? I went downstairs and hid behind the kitchen door.

"You're kidding, right? You can't be serious. She's stupid if she believes that you'll get back together with her. And about seeing me: she can shove that idea up her ass."

"Roxy, don't talk about her like that. She's your mother. And frankly, I think its a good idea that we get back together."

"Dad, you can't be serious. After what she did to you? Not only are you defending her, you're getting back together?! I can't believe you. She's gonna do the same shit. She's gonna be in our lives for a while then she's gonna leave again. Why can't you fit that through your thick skull? She's never going to change. Ever." What the hell? Are they talking about Roxy's mom?

I heard silence on Charlie's end. Then Roxy spoke up again, pure hate in her words.

"If you get back together with that bitch, don't expect the daughter you see everyday. Expect a daughter that won't acknowledge your presence, that won't care what the hell you think. Expect a daughter that hates you." I heard footsteps coming towards the door so I hid by the giant plant they had by the door. Roxy ran out and went upstairs. A few seconds later, a door slammed.

That was harsh. I went up stairs after Roxy and was about to knock on her door when I heard it.

Her sobs. She was crying.

Is it bad that all I could think about was how much me comforting her would help me win the bet?

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