Chapter 5

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I know just how to get Eric back!

We were still in the water, just splashing about, when I snuck up behind him and jumped on his back causing him to drop me in the water just like I planned. Now, this water was pretty deep. I just hope my past years of theatre show for this.

"Eric!! I- I-" I cut myself off on purpose and went back underwater.

"Roxy, quit playing. Everyone knows your ute an amazing swimmer." He muttered. I'm not giving up that easily!

"Eric, no! My foot! I-it's caught on something! I can't-" Back underwater I go! Oh this is getting too easy! I didn't come up for almost a minute. God, is he seriously gonna let me drown? I was about to come up for air when I felt arms wrap around me and pull me out.

"Roxy? Are you okay? Please be okay! I didn't mean to drop you like-" He was cut off by my laughing. "Roxy, why are you laughing?"

I stopped giggling long enough to respond back. "It was payback, dummy! That's what you get! You should've seen your face!" I started giggling again and soon everyone joined in, including Ashton.

Apparently Eric didn't find it too funny.

"That was really messed up, Roxy. I thought something really happened to you. How could you scare me like that?" He was looking straight into my eyes.

"Eric, calm down. It was just a joke. Everyone's laughing. Why can't you?" He pulled pranks on me all the time! What's his problem?

"You don't know what it's like to think the person you lo-," He stopped, looked away from me, and then cleared his throat before continuing, "Your best friend. You don't know what it's like to think your best friend is about to die." He swam to shore and then went to sit away from where we left our stuff.

Great, now I feel guilty for getting him back.

But what was he going to say?


I can't believe I almost told Roxy! And infront of everyone, too! She can't know that I'm in love with her. It'll ruin our whole friendship.

And what's up with that Ashton guy?! He looks at her likes she's a piece of meat! But that's not what bothers me the most; he looks at her like he's known her his whole life and maybe at one point he did but when Roxy moved here in the second grade, I became her best friend. I was the one who got her to smile. It was my shoulder she cried on when a guy broke her heart. Me. Not him.

He can't just walk in her life and rip her away from me like that. I won't let it happen.


I tried to let Eric cool off and I tried to have fun with my other friends. I really did, okay? But it's just not the same without Eric. I can't have him mad at me. He's been there for me since I moved here. He's like my brother.

"Hey guys? I'm gonna talk to Eric, okay?"

"Are you sure about that, Roxy? He seemed pretty pissed off." James answered.

"It's me- how mad can he possibly be?" I tried to joke but it only came out as a weak whisper.

They all just nodded and let me go to Eric.

Once there, I sat next to him on the sand.

"Hey." I whispered.

He didn't reply.

Maybe he didn't hear me?

I turned to face him and said it louder.


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