Hatred is Love (2pBrOhm)

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(I forgot who requested)

2pBryce's P.O.V:

"FUCK YOU!" I yelled, and flipped the table over. Ohm dodged, and giggled, "Don't be so salty~." "You did that on purpose! You sick motherfucker!" I said, and he just giggled. "Calm down Bryce." Said Cartoonz. "You shut the hell up! You're not in this, so stay out!" "You bitch! I was trying to help!" said Cartoonz, then Delirious stopped us. I heard Ohm giggling, and glared at him. "Oh scary~." Said Ohm, then looked at his watch. "Oh, it's time for me to go." Said Ohm. ". . .?" asked Delirious. "Yea, so goodbye mates~." Said Ohm, and bowed, then left. I sat down on my seat, and said, "I fucking hate him." "He pisses me off too, but I don't hate him. He's pretty good at killing." Said Cartoonz. "Well, I don't fucking care about your opinion." I replied. "Shut the fuck up! Who said I was talking to you, huh!?" Delirious stopped us, and Cartoonz said, "I'm gonna go clean my sweet ass guns." Cartoonz left, and I was left alone with Delirious. "Hey uh. . .Delirious." I started, and he looked at me. "Um. . .sorry about fighting." I said. Delirious gave me an okay sign. "*Sigh* Ohm. . .went to see Sattelizer. . .right?" I asked, and Delirious nodded. "Why is he all over him?" Delirious shrugged, and I said, "It. . .fucking pisses me off." ". . .?" My face heat up a bit, and I said, "No, I'm not jealous! I-I hate Ohm!" Delirious giggled, and I just looked away.

Always. . .Ohm pisses me off. He gave me a stupid nickname, and calls me that. He teases me, and trolls me. Everything he does is pissing me off! I hate him so much! But. . .I feel. . .weird sometimes. I. . .I don't know, but. . .ever since the day I met Sattelizer, I feel weirder. Its cause Ohm is all over him. Does Ohm. . .have a crush on Sattelizer? I don't want to know, but I'm curious at the same time. I talked to Delirious about my problems, and. . .he said that I might have a crush on Ohm. I don't want to believe it!

I walked outside for a fresh air, and keep myself out from thinking about Ohm. I hate him, and there's tons of reasons why. I can't think of any positives things about him, cause I hate him so much. It's impossible that I have a crush on him! I started walking around the alley, beat some dudes up that were in my way. "Fuck. . .they used a fucking knife on me. Well, I'm not that much of a weakling." I said, one of the dudes stabbed my arm, and I was bleeding a bit, but it's alright. I walked out the alley, then saw Ohm & Sattelizer. I hid behind the wall, and peaked at them a bit, then I saw Ohm kiss Sattelizer's hand. I felt something weird. . .is it anger, sadness, disappointment, disgust, or. . .what is it? I don't know what I'm feeling, but. . .I feel like something snapped inside me. When Ohm & Sattelizer parted, I walked up to Ohm. "Hey Ohm." I said, and he turned around. "Oh, hello Brycey." Said Ohm. "Tsk. Again with that dumbass nickname." I said, and Ohm giggled, "I'm so sorry. And what are you doing here?" "Just walking around." I said. "I see. Now, do you know where Cartoonzie is?" asked Ohm, and I clenched my fists a bit. "Why do you ask?" I asked. "I thought he's going on a mission or something. I would love to join him." Said Ohm, then I grabbed his wrist, and pulled him. "B-Bryce?"

I pulled him to the alley, then pushed him to the wall. "Ow, what was that for?" asked Ohm. "What were you doing with Sattelizer today?" I asked. "Satt? I was just bodyguarding him." Replied Ohm. ". . .Really?" "Yes, and why are you asking me that? Does little Brycey want my attention~?" asked Ohm, and I punched the wall right beside his head. "I swear to fucking god, I will force to shut your mouth if you call me with that nickname again!" I glared at him, and he just giggled. "I would like to see you try. . .Brycey~." I snapped, and said, "You asked for it." I pinned Ohm's hands above his head, and kissed him. Why am I kissing him!? My mind was panicking, but. . .my body was calm. I heard Ohm moan a bit, and I bit his lower lip, demanding for an entrance. He opened his mouth a bit, and I slipped my tongue in his mouth, then explored his mouth. Few seconds later, I pulled away, and let go of Ohm's hands. "B-Bryce. . ." said Ohm, and his face was a bit red. My face heated up a bit, then said, "F-Fuck you." Ohm giggled, then said, "I love you, Bryce." I blushed harder, then Ohm walked up to me, took my hand, then kissed it. "I had no idea that you liked me that way~." Said Ohm. "I. . .I hate you, Ohmwrecker." I said. "How sweet." Giggled Ohm. "L-Let's just go to Delirious & Cartoonz. I feel like going on a mission." I said. "Alright." Said Ohm, and we started walking. While walking, Ohm held my hand, and I looked at him. "Sorry, my hand was free." "Fuck you, bitch." I said, and held his hand back. "You know, Bryce. There is a word, 'Hatred is Love'." "The fuck kind of a word is that?" I asked. "It's perfectly describing your hatred towards me." Said Ohm. "Huh?" "Your hatred towards me, is love." "Ohm, shut the fuck up." "Alright, Alright~." Giggled Ohm. I fucking hate this guy.

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