Let Us Cure You! (2pPoly)

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2pVanoss' P.O.V:

"Ugh. . .*Cough*" I coughed. "Are you sick?" asked Brian. "Fuck no. . .just do your work." I said, to be honest, I was feeling a bit dizzy. "I think you should have a rest." "What!? No way!" I replied. "Evan. . .I'm concerned about you. Maybe I caused it. Yesterday, I poured you an ice water." Yesterday, we were trying to make some poisons, then he accidentally poured an ice water, which we were going to use for the experiment, on me, and why is he concerned about me? "If it's your fault, then make a healing potion or something!" "Well. . .I don't have the ingredients now, and I think Mini have it." Said Brian. "Fuck. . ." "You better go get it, if you want to be healed." "Fine, you bitch. Get back to your work!" I went to Craig's room.

"CRAIG!" "What the fuck Evan!? I told you to knock!" said Craig. Annoying as always. . . "I don't care! Give me the healing potion!" "Why do you need it?" he asked. "Just give-" I tripped on something, then Craig caught me. I felt myself heating up a bit. "Evan, you okay?" he asked. I panted a bit. What is this feeling? "Evan-" I pushed Craig away from me, and I said, "Just give it to me!" "To be honest. . .I'm out." "Goddamn it!" I looked at the time, and realized it was time for me & Tyler to train. "Shit! TYLER!" I ran out, to go get Tyler.

We went training, and while fighting, I was getting dizzier, and I couldn't attack properly. . .I felt weak. . .disgusting. "Vanoss, are you okay?" Tyler asked. "S-Shut up!" I said, then Tyler took my gun. "Tyler. . ." I glared at him, suddenly he put his forehead on mine! I felt my face heat up. What's happening to me!? "You're really hot. You might have a fever." I panted, and said, "G-Get away. . ." I pushed Tyler, but I ended up leaning on him. "V-Vanoss?" I was getting sleepy, heavy, weak. . .then I. . .fainted.

I woke up on a bed, feeling awful. I sat up, then coughed. "Fuck. . .wha-what. . .where am I?" I looked around, then Delirious came in. "De *pant* lirious. . ." said Vanoss. Delirious put the bucket of water on the nightstand, then squeezed the wet towel. Delirious tried to put it on my forehead, so I slapped his hand. "Get the *pant* fuck away!" "Evan. . ." said Delirious with his eyes watery. I felt a bit guilty, and I just looked away.

Suddenly, Cartoonz, Ohm & Bryce came in, and Cartoonz asked, "You okay Vanoss?" "We heard you were sick." Said Bryce. "I brought you some gifts." Said Ohm. Why? Craig, Brian & Moo came in. "Evan, you seem to have a bit of a fever. You just need to have a rest." Said Craig. "I'm working on the medicine." Said Brian. "It's really pathetic. . ." said Moo, and walked up to me. I glared at Moo, then Moo said, ". . .Get better soon, and. . .fight me." I saw Moo's hands were shaking a bit, and I stopped the glare. What's happening? Tyler came in, then Tyler asked, "Are you okay?" "The *pant* fuck." I said, then Delirious pushed me back down on the bed. "You shouldn't move." He said. ". . .Don't. . .touch me!" I said, and swung my fist at him, but. . .I was weak. I lightly punched his cheek. "V-Vanoss. . ." said Delirious, and I blushed of embarrassment. "Aww, so cute~." I heard Ohm, and said, "Fuck you!" "Vanoss!" I heard Lui's voice, then he ran & hugged me. "Vanoss! Are you okay!?" he asked. I smiled a bit, and pat his head. then I heard Nogla say, "So unfair." "Nogla, you bastard!" said Lui, who released me, and faced Nogla. "I was just saying it's unfair." Said Nogla. "Then get a clue." I heard Marcel's voice, and he came out of the vent. "Marcel, why are you in the vent again?" asked Nogla. "Exploring, and Vanoss, are you okay?" asked Marcel, holding some leaves. "That's-" Marcel cut off Brian. "These? These are herbs. These herbs help fevers to go away quickly." Marcel is an intelligent guy, so I mostly trust him. Ugh. . .I feel dizzier. . .I feel like throwing up. Fuck. . .

"Well, leave the rest to me, and get out." Said Craig. "What the fuck are you talking about!?" asked Moo, grabbing Craig's collar. "I am the medic here!" "Well, as much as I want to take care of Evan. . .I have to make the medicine." Said Brian. Why does he sound sad? "I'll take care of Vanoss, so help Brian, Craig." Said Moo. "No way I'm letting you do that!" said Craig. Why are they mad? "You guys fuck off! I'm the one who's gonna take care of Vanoss! I've done it before with Delirious." Said Cartoonz proudly. Why is he saying it proudly? "Fuck off Cartoonz! I can't let you do that to Vanoss! I'll do it, so back the fuck off!" said Bryce. "Oh no, no, people. It's gotta be me. I can handle Evan's violence." Said Ohm. "You just want to see him pant, & moan! You kinky bastard!" said Bryce. "Oh man! I wanna take care of Vanoss!" giggled Nogla. "No way! Don't you ever touch Vanoss! I can take care of Vanoss!" said Lui. "Calm down, and let me do it." Said Marcel. "Hell no! Just let me do it!" said Craig. "No fucking way!" said Moo. I was getting a headache. They started arguing, like why!? I don't fucking get it! "G-Guys, please stop. Evan is-" "Shut up Tyler!" said Craig. I snapped, and stood up from the bed. "Vanoss?" asked Delirious. ". . .Get. . .the. . .fuck. . .OUT!" I yelled, and silence. "I don't want any of you guys' help! Now get out- *cough* *cough*" I fell to my knees, I feel so sick. . .Ugh. . . "Vanoss!" "Evan!" They tried to touch me, so I slapped their hands away, and said, "GET AWAY!" "Please. . .let us help you." Said Tyler. "Vanoss, please." said Delirious. "Evan. . .brother. . ." said Craig.

"LET US CURE YOU." They all synced, and I blushed. ". . .Fine." I said. "YES! Come here!" said Cartoonz, and carried me bridal style. "Cartoonz!" said the others. Cartoonz placed me on the bed, then Delirious put the wet towel on my forehead. Moo covered a blanket on my body. "We'll get you some food & medicine." Said Brian, I sighed.

Later, they made a soup, and I looked at them. "What *cough* happened?" I asked. They were all covered in flour or something. "Don't fucking worry, and eat your goddamn soup." Said Bryce. I remained silent, and tried to take a sip of the soup, then Ohm took my spoon. "I'll feed you, master~." I sighed, and just let him do it. "Say ahh~." Said Ohm, I just opened my mouth, and he fed me. Suddenly Ohm kissed my cheek, and I blushed. "Sorry master~." "OHM!" I heard the others yell. These fucking. . .bitches.

After the soup, I took a medicine. "Evan, take your clothes off." Said Craig. "What!? *Cough* *Cough*" "Don't shout." Said Craig, then others shouted, "WHAT!?" Moo grabbed Craig's collar, and said, "You pervert!" "I wanted to wipe his sweat okay!? He needs to change anyway!" said Craig. "I'll do it~." said Ohm. "FUCK NO! YOU FED HIM!" said Bryce. "Oh come on~. I want to see Evan naked~." Giggled Ohm, and I blushed. "Everyone get out." Said Craig. "You're not doing it!" said Moo. I face palmed, and said, "Just do it already."

At night, I was still in my bed, and. . ."Why is everyone here?" I asked. "Because Evan. . ." said Brian. "We're taking care of you." Said Craig. "And we don't want anything to happen to you." Said Nogla. ". . .Just shut the fuck up." I said. "Do you want any teddy bears or something?" asked Ohm with a giggle, and I replied, "I would like to have someone next to me." "Oh~, are you presenting~?" asked Ohm. "Stop making stuff sexual!" said Bryce. "So, who do you want~?" asked Brian. ". . .Lui." I said. "What!?" asked the others. "Shut up!" "M-Me?" asked Lui, with his face red. "Just hurry before they all start shouting." I said, and he laid down next to me. "How cute." Giggled Ohm. "Will you please shut up!?" asked Bryce. "You're the one who's being loud!" said Moo. "You wanna argue more, bitch!?" asked Bryce. "Those are fighting words!" said Moo. "S-Stop it please!" said Tyler. "SHUT UP AND SLEEP!" said Cartoonz. "Then you shut up!" said Moo. "Shhhh!" said Lui, and. . .I was. . .slowly drifting. . .into sleep.

The next day, I woke up, feeling all fresh. I looked around, and saw the guys sleeping. I got off my bed, and went to take a shower. Seriously. . .what the fuck was it all about? I was sick, and they all wanting to cure me. That's really fucked up. Why would they do that anyway? I looked at myself in the mirror, then. . .I formed a smile on my face. ". . .They did. . .cure me."

After shower, I saw them all awake. "Vanoss!" "Evan!" They said. "You okay?" asked Delirious. "Yea, and. . .I. . .just want to say something to everyone." "What?" asked Nogla. ". . .Thanks." I said with a smile, and their faces all turned red. "Now, I'm off." I said, and went out. "Wait Vanoss!" I heard them yell, and I just smirked. Never knew how sweet my teammates were.

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