Aim for the Brain (2pBasicallyIDoNogla)

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2pBasically's P.O.V:

It was such a brilliant day, we, the BBS, were on the way to a mission. I accompanied Vanoss, Nogla, Delirious, & MiniLadd on this mission, Droidd will be taking my place at the base to take contact with how the others and the base is doing. Mini was driving the car, and I was checking my laptop & map to see the location of the mission.

"Hey Marcel, how long are we gonna take for the ride? It's already sunset." Said Vanoss. "As far as I know, we'll be there at midnight, since there's some construction going around that area, and we'll start the mission at dawn, so it's better for everyone to have a sleep now." I replied. "I wish I could." Said Mini. "Well, make sure we won't crash, k?" asked Nogla with a sweet giggle. "Fuck you bitch." Said Mini.

Time skipped, and it has turned midnight. We made it close to the location, but we stayed in the forest to hide. Delirious made a campfire, Boss & Mini went to sleep. I was trying to sleep, but I heard Delirious & Nogla talking. "Wow, this is pretty nice." Said Nogla. "Yea, and Nogla, you okay not sleeping?" asked Delirious. "I'm fine, and what about you?" asked Nogla. "I'm used to it, as an assassin, I work at night a lot." Said Delirious. Yup, as an assassin, he has some nightworks sometimes for the BBS & for the Quad. He's a hard worker. "I see." Said Nogla. Nogla is one of our attackers. He's stealthy & strategic, he is smart, so I think he should be in the intel side with Mini, Droidd, Terroriser & I, but he likes actions. I know he has a talent, but. . .he doesn't use it for some reason.

Few hours later, I couldn't sleep, Delirious went to sleep with Mini & Boss, but. . .where's Nogla? I went out the car, and saw the fire was gone. I looked around, but nothing. I walked around a bit, I grabbed a night vision glasses to walk around in the dark. I found Nogla in front of a lake, he had some fireflies around him. He was giggling, and playing with them. His smile. . .it's really great & beautiful. I. . .I have a crush on him, he's really chill, caring, friendly, and listens to me, when I'm saying lecture-like long talk. I wish I can tell him. . .even if I'm honest, I don't know if he'll take it seriously.

"No-" Suddenly, my vision went black. When my vision came back, I was in a cell. What happened? I looked at my body, and I had ropes tied around my hand & legs. "Well, well, well. . .the brain has woken up." I heard someone's voice, and looked around, then I saw the enemy's boss, Gilbert, from this mission. "You're BasicallyIDoWrk, right? The brain of the BBS." "What do you guys want?" I asked. "You know, right? We want to crush you guys, in order to protect our data. The BBS without the brain is nothing, but rebels. We can easily kill them." "You're underestimating us too much." Suddenly, he grabbed my shirt, then punched me hard. "Shut up & obey. I didn't wanted to hurt you, but single punch is alright. I'll have some fun with you later~." I felt chills go down my spine. . . I have to get out of here.

These ropes are tied pretty tight, I should rub it against something, and cut the rope. I looked around, and saw a security camera. If I do something, they'll be alerted. Wait, there is a construction around this area, it's something with the electricity, there must be a time when the area blacks out. I need to find out that timing. Okay, construction for electricity start around 3am, right now, depending on this area, it should be around. . .3:37am, if there is a black-out, it could be in. . .15 more minutes. Next, I need something to rub the rope against. I don't have much time.

Suddenly, I heard some big noise, then a voice, "WE'RE UNDER ATTACK!" Oh no. . . "Here they come." Said Gilbert. This is bad. . . "I was hoping to have a little more time, but I guess not. Let's see. . ." Gilbert opened the cell, and grabbed my arm, pulling me up. I have to keep myself calm. . .my heart is beating too fast. They'll be alright. . . Suddenly, he pinned me to the wall, and bit my neck. "Ah!" "Nice~, it's really nice~. I cannot wait to make you beg for more~." This is not good. . . "Don't touch me." I said, then he giggled. "You're not the one. . ." I touched my crotch, and I jumped a bit, then he continued, "To decide if I can touch you or not." This is disgusting. . . My body is shivering in emotional shock. Sure, Ohm have touched me there before, but not like this, his was more of a soft touch.

Another big noise came, then Gilbert pulled me out the cell, and went up the stairs. I heard shooting, shouting, & death. . .well, you can't hear any death, but I meant it as groans & stuff. "Marcel!" I heard Nogla's voice. Gilbert held me hostage style, aiming a gun at my head. "Don't move!" he said, and Nogla stopped. "You guys are like animals, without him." Said Gilbert. "Marcel, are you okay?" asked Nogla. "No. . ." I replied. "What did they do?" he asked. "He-" "No chit-chats! If you don't want him to die, surrender! Every one of you guys!" said Gilbert. ". . .I mean, I can't decide. I have to obey the order from Boss." Said Nogla. "Oh really? You guys are gonna lose all your data & intelligence if I pull this trigger." "Don't shoot Marcel, come on man." Said Nogla. Oh god. . .w-why is my body shivering. . .Nogla. . .David. . .please. . .help. . .

Suddenly, Gilbert shot Nogla's shoulder. "David!" I shouted. "It's okay, just a bullet in my shoulder." Said Nogla with a smile. Why is he so calm in any situation? "You're very calm, even though your teammate is held hostage. BBS is known for being ruthless, are you gonna sacrifice him for the mission?" asked Gilbert, suddenly, Nogla took out a gun, and aimed at Gilbert. "You wanna bet?" he asked. "David. . ." "I knew it. . .you see, Marcel? A genius like you should not be in a crew like theirs." "Oh really?" asked Nogla. "He's too precious for you guys." Said Gilbert, then kissed my cheek. I bit my lower lip, and remained silent. I need to think. . .but. . . "You filthy man." Said Nogla, then the lights turned off.

The black-out! I heard a gun-shot, heard Gilbert's groan, then I was pulled into someone's chest. I can't see well, what's happening? Lights turned back on, then I realized. . .I was in Nogla's arm. I blushed, and looked at him. "D-David?" "Phew, I am so lucky tonight!" giggled Nogla. I saw Gilbert on the ground, bleeding. "Nogla-" "That's what you get for touching Marcel! You alright?" asked Nogla. Tears came out of my eyes, then Nogla asked, "Marcel?" "I. . .I feel relieved. . .I was so scared, I knew you wouldn't shoot me, but. . .I felt fear." "Aww, don't cry." He said, and wiped my tears. "Nogla. . .thank you." I said. "You're very welcome, and. . .let me make you feel better." He said, and kissed me. I was surprised, but I melted in the kiss, and kissed him back.

"There they are!" We heard an enemy, then I broke the kiss. "N-Nogla, the enemy!" I said, then Nogla pulled me back into a kiss, and he shot the ceiling for some reason. "Mmmm!" I moaned, then a small chandelier fell on top of the enemy. Did. . .Nogla do that? Or was it just a coincidence? "Mmmm~." Nogla moaned, I think he's enjoying the kiss, I am as well. Few seconds later, he pulled away, "What a sweet kiss, I've been dreaming to kiss you, Marcel." I blushed, and said, "I. . .just wish that my hands were free." "Nah, this way, I can make love to you, and you can't do anything about it~." Giggled Nogla. "N-Nog-" "Error Marcel." Said Nogla. "What?" "My name. . ." ". . .D-David." I said. "Yes, my love~?" I blushed even more, and he said, "I love you, Marcel." ". . .I love you too." I replied, then Nogla started kissing my neck. "Ahh~, D-David~." I moaned a bit.

"Ahem!" We turned to the voice, and saw Mini with his arms crossed, Boss with a smirk, & Delirious covering his eyes with his hands. "U-Um, this is-" "We're lovers!" said Nogla, and I blushed hard. "Yea, yea, and let's get out of here. We got what we came for." Said Mini. "O-Okay." I said. "Roger~!" giggled Nogla. Later, we went to the car, and Mini started driving. Nogla held me in his arm, and held my hand. "I love you Marcel~." "I love you too, David." "Okay, quit flirting back there." Said Mini, and we giggled. 

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