Chapter 4. Ghosts

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Ron couldn't believe his eyes as he stepped through the portal.

The sky was green and purple. Thousands of doors of all shapes and colors floated throughout the air. Random chunks of floating land drifted about.

In the distance a castle loomed.

It was silver and black, a large crest hanging on its flag, a DP.

Ron was too scared to wonder what it meant. He brushed up against Fred and jumped when he no longer passed through him.

The twins and Ginny were still, like most of the group, in a trance but they were beginning to come out of it.

A few upperclassmen had picked up their siblings or were holding their hands tightly, eyes on the pair of ghosts who had sang them into the portal, hands tight on their wands.

A seventh year tried to aparate with his sister but to no avail.

Everyone soon came out of the daze and most began to cry, held tight by their siblings or friends as they panicked. The ghosts waited until they had calmed down, older students explaining what had happened.

“Bloody Hell, Fred.” George said, his eyes clearing. “Where are we. Are we dreaming?”

“Why would Ron be here then?”


“Welcome to the Infinite Realms.”

The students looked up to see a blue haired woman floating just above the ground. “Im Ember. The King asked me to sing you all here. Well, most of you. We had some tagalongs. But the more the merrier. Anyways. Don't worry. You'll be out of here in a week or so. Think of it as a vacation. If you want to know why your here, lets just say that its complicated.”

“Schools out!” Fred yelled as Lee Jordan made his way to them.

“That's the spirit! Now. Let's get to Phantom's keep. I'm sure your all hungry.”

She played a riff on her guitar and a glowing bridge appeared, connecting the island, which was about the size of the great Hall, to the Castle in the distance.

A seventh year tested it warily, his second year brother never leaving his side, and declared it solid, making Ember smirk.

Soon they were on their way, walking for about five minutes until they reached the massive front doors.

It was almost as big as Hogwarts, huge towers extending up hundreds of feet as battlements sat ready on the walls.

Ember played a quick tune and the doors opened.

They filed inside, walking through the courtyard and into the main hall.

Ember had floated down and was leading them on foot.

They came to a room that looked like a muggle school cafeteria.

Another ghost, this one green skinned and large, floated behind a counter. “Hello children. Would you like some pie?”

A few nodded and she grinned.

Muggleborns knew what to do and they lined up, the rest soon following their way through the lunch line.

Soon everyone was just chatting and relaxing.

No one noticed the black haired boy with blue eyes that had mixed in with the crowd.

He sat next to the Weasley's and got to chatting.

“Hi. Im Danny.” He said. He looked like a first year.

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