Chapter 17. First move.

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turquoiseblitz Congrats. You guessed it. I love how everyone is reading this book as soon as I update. It is both motivating and terrifying. So I dedicate this chapter to everyone whose stuck with me from the beginning.
Lets get down to business.

Cornelius Fudge was looking over the final paper work on Unbridge's newest decree.

"Any found im association with the Dark Creature known as King Phantom will have there wand broken and fined 500 galleons. Failure to pay this fine will result in incarceration." He read out loud.

He reached over and began to pour hot wax on the corner before pressing his seal into it.

There. Done. Now to head home to spend Halloween with his wife.

When out of  now where the entire Ministry began to shake.

The tawny owl behind him panicked, nearly hitting its owner with its wing in its need to escape.

Fudge tried to stand, only to fall as the unearthly sound hit his ears.

It was a ghastly inhuman wail!

Cornelius felt like the entire world was going to end as glass shatte red and stone began to crack, weaving its way to the golden Fountain of Magical Breathen began to shake.

The Witch and Wizard cracked and crumpled, falling to the ground where that a student?

A young girl stood there, but she was glowing.

Cornelius vaguely recognized her as one of the Violin Players from Phantom Song.

She saw him and smiled, before pulling the violin up to her shoulder, eyes glowing blue.

She began to play, words and music lost to the wail, but Fudge could see the effects.

Where the witch and wizard had once stood rose a new figure.

He was dressed in a cape and boots green tunic and breeches. He held his hand out to the Centaur, elf and Goblin. A fiery crown resided on his head.

The girl stopped playing and smiled at Fudge once again, pulling a scroll from her pocket and placing it at the statue's base, before floating up and through the ceiling.

"Let us be friends." That statue seemed to say. "I only want peace."

But even Fudge was smart enough to know that by destroying the Witch and Wizard he was doing one thing and one thing only.

Declaring War on Wizarding Britain.

Fudge picked up the scroll, opening it slowly in case it was cursed and began to read.

His eyes widened. 


Phantom was panting as he stopped his Ghostly wail, one of his greatest attacks, the rings of green energy fading as he cut off the sonic waves.

He stumbled, and nearly fell from the sky before Fright Knight and Avalon caught him.

Fright Knight helped him over to the King's personal steed, a skeletal mare with firey eyes.

"Are you alright, my Liege?"

"Yes. Just tired. My energy doesnt replenish as fast in this realm. Speaking of, it's certainly changed a lot."

"You bet. Look at this new tech I stol- I mean bought on the way here."

Tucker handed him a rectangular device with a glowing screen. A glowing image of an apple with a bite taken out on the back.

"What is it?"

"Beautiful." Tucker said, taking it back.

Avalon sighed. "You and your human technology. We never should have gone to Paris in 1898."

"It was amazing. We rode a train and saw humans from around the mortal realm. And the meat." Tucker was practically drooling as he remembered the World's Fair.

Avalon looked fond as well. "I discovered Tofu that day. Perhaps it wasn't a complete waste."

Just the. Nancy Travis and her mentor Ember came flying up, Nancy being carried bridal style.

"Its done." She said, readjusting her grip on the unconscious girl. "The statue is up and the Minister is finally informed."

"Well done. Anything else happen?" Phantom asked, Avalon and Albion appearing next to him.

Ember shook her head. "Nada, dipstick."

"That's King Dipstick to you."

Sam and Tucker smirked.

"Alright. Let's get going.

They turned north and The Royal procession and Wild Hunt began its journey.

It's Journey to Hogwarts.

Every army needs a base after all


Dolores Umbridge only had about 50 students in her care, mostly Slytherin and loner Ravenclaws and Hufflepuff.

The entire Gryffindor House had fled into the other world.

And as far as she was concerned they could stay gone.

There were only purebloods in Hogwarts now, and that was just how she liked it, even if there were far fewer students then she had originally planned.

They were in the great hall, where the majority of classes were being held. She had yet to report that most of her students were missing but honestly, who cares if a couple of mudbloods, blood traitors and halfbreeds went missing?

The teachers were understandably upset, but they too had vanished.

Perhaps Umbridge would get the pleasure of snapping their wands herself once evidence of their betrayal came to light.

Of course. McGonagall was currently wanted for treason. But she hadn't been seen since Umbridge had shot her at the Gate.

But she was a patient woman, or so she thought. She would wait for that blood traitor to show herself.

The thought made her smile and a few students paled at the imitation of the clown Pennywise.

She stopped grinning though as the doors opened.

In walked Albion. "Troll! Troll in the dungeon. Thought you should know." He collapsed, only to start laughing as he floated up. "Sup, Magical Pink Toad. How's it hanging?"

A few students had to stiffle laughs as Umbridge aimed her wand at the Herald.

"Leave or be destroyed."

"Oh chill." He said, his demeanor completely different from when she had first met him.
"Just here to let you know that the students and teachers will be returning. Along with a few others." He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively and vanished.

Umbridge was ready to scream. How dare those dark Creatures invade her school and kidnap her students. They would pay if it was the last thing she did. She swore on her magic.

It was in the middle of this little mental rant that glowing green portal was ripped open in the middle of the Great Hall and the High King emerged.

"Hello." He said, smirking.

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