Chapter 9. Gifts and Promises

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Danny leaned back in his chair, arms crossed, deep in thought.

So, they had what he demanded but were still on the warpath.

Grinning, he came to a solution.

"Bullet. Please bring me the head Blacksmith. I have a special order for him and his workers. And I need them fast."

Meanwhile, Ron was celebrating. "I did it! I won!"

"Bravo, little Lion." Plasmius said. "You have bested me."

It had been about a week and a half since they had arrived here, although, according to Plasmius, time rand a bit faster here, which meant that it had only been 3 or 4 days back home.

Ron grinned hugely just as something exploded over head and confetti rained down on him.

Youngblood, the Twins and Lee Jordan cackle maniacally, vanishing as Youngblood turned them invisible.

"I'll get you for that!" Ron yelled as Plasmius raised a shield.

The quartet ran into it and returned to the visible spectrum.

Ron cast a body bind, only Youngblood escaped.

Ron and Plasmius gave each other approving nodded just as Ginny walked in, sword on her back. "What happened here?" She asked, taking in the petrified Gryffindors and the confetti.

"Nothing." George said.

Plasmius shot some kind of goo at him, gagging him efficiently.

Ginny shook her head. "Whatever it was you probably deserved it. Anyways, Fright told me that the King is gathering all the students in the throne room."

She waved her wand. "Wingardium Leviosa."

The three troublemakers levitated into the air.

"Hey. I thought you couldn't do that spell."

"I got a tutor for my charms."

"Cool. I feel like I learned a lot more here in a two weeks then I would have at Hogwarts."

"Same." Ginny said, hand brushing up against her sword. She had a smith make her one at Fright Knights bequest. She loved it.

They went down the hall, Plasmius only having to redirect them once and arrived in a massive throne room.

It had the same black and silver color scheme as the rest of the castle but a neon green carpet lead to the throne made of Onyx and Silver.

Fright Knight stood behind it, giving a nod to his young apprentice.

The students were a sight to behold.

No longer did they dress in standard robes but a strange mix of armor, tunics, leather jackets, cloaks, karate gi, cowboy hats, heavy aprons, dresses, riding gear,and casual clothes from home. Over 30 or so people had some form of instrument strapped to their backs or in their hands, a girls playing the violin and a fast pace with her friend on guitar. And another twenty had personal weapons like Ginny. But while she had been trained in Medieval swordsmanship, they had been taken in by an ancient roman ghost named Pandora, who had taught them how to fight like romans, thus roman blades.

Do not play dodgeball with Pandora's students.

Ron had learned that the hard way as they brought out shields, ducking down one row at a time so they could launch a simultaneous attack.

Ron shuddered at the memory.

He wore a cloak over his white tunic and jeans. Ginny was in light, almost norse armor. Fred, George and Lee were in pirate's getup, mimicking Youngblood.

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