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Hitler, Malcolm, Asajj and upSided0wn IaN walk into epic games hq with me. Malcolm shoots the security guards down. Back up comes forward. I slice their backup this is fun. We. Walk down the hallway. Adolf gasses every room we walk past. Some cunts walk down the stairs and Asajj charges at them. Holy shit she's sexy. Ian unzips and pees on them. Hitler swings out the window and goes to the top. We run up the stairs killing everyone. When we get up Hitler has already killed all of the high ranking epic games people. We attach bombs to each stable of Thien building and evacuation. "Fall" hitlersays as she detonates the bomb. "See y'all maclocm Hitler and ian" I shout waving goodbye. I grab Asajj and run to the Dutchman.

Davy Jones x Asajj Ventress IIIWhere stories live. Discover now