Ch 7: Punishment

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Shuichi's POV

"Wait.... Why?" I asked Kokichi as he smiled. "Why what?" He asked in aparent curiousity.

"Why did you kill him..... Your dad..." Kokichi grinned "Cuz he was an a**hole, besides he started it anyways~" He calmly stated.

"What do you mean by tha-" Just as I was going to ask him, we heard a scream he pushed me away. "Oops! Time's up! Save it for next time Saihara-chan, I've gotta go! Bye bye~" He said sweetly before shutting his window and running off.

God what am I dragging myself into...

Kokichi's POV

Ugh! Is everything that can go wrong today actually going to go wrong......and Saihara knows.....which probably means he's going to probably guess what really happened to the blue haired wanna be star b*tch. Oh well....

I raced down the stairs in a rush my Mom raised an eyebrow "Kokichi I'm going out with one of my friends ok? I'm going out the backway so that awful man can't try to get in, don't open the door ok?" I nodded "No problem Mom." she smiled a bit and left as I grinned.

Perfect....and the basements far enough away from the front door he shouldn't be able to hear....I hurried down into the basement and swung open the door.

Maizono was blindfolded and strapped into a chair and she was thrashing against the binds loudly. Ugh.....I knew the sedatives wouldn't last that long as I slipped on some gloves.

She's actually getting annoyingly loud. I should get her to shut up again. Now the only question is do I want to do it the EASY way for her or the FUN way. Hmm...I really don't want to get caught.....but at the same time she really deserves to suffer....well I am killing her either way....

I grinned still....can they really check her state of mind when she is already dead?

First thing I did was blindfold her and attached little things that probably felt like tubes to her at the end of her feet and made her lay down as I used the basement sink to make sure there was some dripping water.

Now how long will it take till she screams- "MDNHRHDB! DHDHEBEHS!" Oh yeah...gagged. I took off the gag a little just so I could hear her reactions.


(Side note from Mika: I'M DYYYING XD I want to see this animated 😂)

Aki: (Me to, also started playing the music just to make it even worse, I was wondering if she should be listening to Justin Beiber songs for EXTRA torture)

I just silently stood there and watched. I grin as I then placed some headphones on her ears and plugged it into my computer and started playing all of Justin Beber's songs on youtube just to make her suffer a little more. From the irony that she was going to die while listening to the thing she loved, music and the fact that it was horrible music at that. Then I made footsteps up the stairs to make it seem like I left. I'm pretty sure she believes it.

She visibly began to panic. The color drained from her face and she looked extremely shocked. "Oh my god! He left me here and my blood's still being drained! Oh my god!" It was pretty entertaining to watch but I had to make sure she couldn't hear me so I stayed silent.

She struggled in the restraints and tried moving around to get out of them. And she seemed to be hyperventilating, "SOMEONE HELP ME PLEASE! PLEASE HELP ME! I DON'T WANT TO DIE PLEASE! SOMEONE HELP ME PLEASE! PLEASE I DON'T WANT TO BE ALONE!" I could tell she was crying underneath her blindfold and I grinned as I carefully took a seat down by the stairs to watch as the scene unfolded.

After a while of her struggling and screaming she started getting a little bit quiet. "Please.... Help me.
Someone....Anyone! Please! Just....get me out of here."

But then suddenly she just stopped. 'Did she pass out or is she faking it?' I continued to observe as she stayed deathly still.

"Please....... Just kill me already." She pleaded in a dead tone. 'Oh wow. She lost her will to live already?' "I can't take it anymore....I barely even care anymore. Just do it, Kokichi. If you're there, just kill me."

'Pfft yeah right. She's gotten boring, this isn't any fun.' I glared at her calm demeanor and stood up in annoyance. I turned away and walked up the stairs but before I left completely, I looked down at her in disappointment and annoyance. "Try to entertain me more next time."

Seriously how the heck to people lose the will to live that fast? A goldfish would have been more entertaining than blueberry b*tch.

At least I won't have to deal with her for much longer.....


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