Ch 10: Arahias

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"Have you heard of all the kids that have died?" Someone whispered, "yeah there's some serial killer's really bad" the other responded.

"I heard some of the suicide kids are victims too" One popped in, "a lot of people have huh? Oh gosh the creepy kid is coming" one squealed and hid behind their friends.

A navy hair boy walked down the hall every once in a while releasing a small twitches.

"That kid is so weird..." one mumbled, "well he was a suvivor of you know what, kind of expected" one of them scolded.

"Yeah but he's always talking to himself, and once he beat up Maizono without even saying a word!" One gossiped.

"Or that time he was screaming at someone who wasn't there..." one mentioned, "he's been getting I hear therapy or something..." one brought up.

" school even safe anymore? All the victims...they've been students" one asked honestly. The other two didn't respond.


"The boy is clearly unstable" the nurse said showing the police the files "over the years we've done several treatments but none have worked for the trauma...well today we've decided on something different" the nurse proposed.

"You're free to treat as you see fit he was let here by reasons of insanity" the officer reminded.

"I's just a shame what we decided we had to do" the nurse said somberly, "we've recieved the drugs from Ms Kimura so we can get started" another nurse called popping in only to leave.

"Will the boy be safe? The officer asked, "he will....his mind is another story we can't answer for"


Ouma ran away still crying as I chased after him if only to remain good by our classmates eyes.

For some reason he didn't slow down no matter what, Ouma just kept running and running and running away.

Then I saw two police officers, no....Ouma deserves some justice for his victims but...I won't let him be taken away!

I pressed on further as Ouma stopped at a hospital and stopped as if waiting for me.

"Ouma?" I called. They didn't respond, "you're under arrest for multiple accounts of murder" an officer cried and Ouma stared at them unchanging.

"You have the right to remain silent, anything can and will be used against you in a court of law" another said and for some reason I got the handcuffs.

Ouma walked over to me and sat down next to me when they put me in the van, "Ouma...? What's going on?" I asked.

Ouma grinned "I framed you for murder Saihara chan!" He whispered in my ear and gave me a small smile.

"Why are you here with me?" I asked, "because why wouldn't I want to stay with Saihara chan? And they need to question me anyway" Ouma stated as if it was obvious.

The van never stopped, it went around the city many times and I was confused as to why when all of a sudden we pulled up by a warehouse and they dragged Ouma out.

"Ahh! Saihara chan save me!" He screamed, "help me Shumai!" He screamed.

His eyes had a desperate wish as I got out of the door then stopped unable to move. Ouma's body was now cut up and bloody for some reason as he looked at me with fear.

"Come on! Don't you care about me?" He asked, "don't you not want me to go?" He asked and I reached out for him still not moving as they dragged him further and further away.

Eventually they pressed him against a wall and he stopped resisiting and pleading. He just stared at me.

"Ready?" I just stood there in shock as shots were aimed at my best friend. The person I trusted most, my crush, was standing there emotionless. Staring at him as the police prepared their guns.

"Aim...." His eyes were empty. No emotion. That is until he glanced at me, and softly smiled at me.......

"Bye Shumai"

"Fire!" BANG


What was I thinking about?

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