Chosen Teen Fiction Book Review

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Book Review




Rumors and un- truths spreads like a wild fire these days, especially in high school, ESPECIALLY if it is about a really popular football star, who is a vital player in the game. The things is no one cares- even your best friend doubts you. And it doesn't matter how many times you say it is an accident, they will assume the worst. I mean everyone trips over their own flip flops, once in awhile, it usually doesn't make someone end up in the ER.

The plot revolves around a trivial matter, but besides that it is a good story with lovable characters, especially southern gentlemen, who happen to work, excel in football and who possess that southern drawl, that makes every girls knees go week.

How do you prove your innocence when everyone else believe you are guilty. What do you do when security tapes make it look like it was intentional. How do you turn back the clock to that morning, to where you are busy getting dressed and pick another pair of shoes. How about to were you bought the flip flops. Turn back the clock and pick more sensible shoes. Some people believe things happen for a reason. The cannot possibly be a reason for this to happen to someone.

You must read this story at least once. You would do yourself a great injustice by not reading it. Although is wish the plot would revolve around a bigger matter, it just makes it more realistic. Who knows you might have pushed someone of a flight of stairs or bumped them and now you are in trouble because you were born clumsy- as if that is your fault.

His mom wants her expelled. The principle, a more accommodating and all round better person will not expel her, but as punishment she will have to play babysitter to her long time crush and almost boyfriend. Seeing this hot football star everyday, might not seem like such a bad thing, but even though he doesn't show it, you knows that he might secretly be blaming her for this. Blaming you for pushing him. For possibly ending any future that he might have had being a football player. Blames you for putting his parents through this and he blames you for piling up medical bills, even though he is rich . He blames you, even though he is to much of a gentleman to show it, being to nice by sparing your feelings. Might is the key word. As a southern gentleman he let's you use his car and makes sure that his parents doesn't sue yours for everything they have.

I loved reading this story. The hidden humor is hilarious. The romance is lovable, the tension heavy and the ending amazing.

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