.chapter 5.

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Mina's POV ON

"SHE DID WHAT?" Dahyun yelled.

"Oh my god Dahyun, be quiet!" I whispered to her.

"Sorry, but, i'm so mad right now. How can she just lock you like this?" Dahyun sighed, and then she looks to Chaeyoung really irritated. "I told you to look at Mina for me!"

"Sorry Dahyun but, the class was starting and I couldn't go with them to the locker room." Chaeyoung replied.

"Hey, it wasn't a big deal after all, I'm okay." I said.

"But if she tried to do something bad with you?" Dahyun started to worry again.

"You talk like she could kill Mina." Chaeyoung said making me giggle.

"She could kill Mina's purity and I don't want it to happen." Dahyun hugged me and made me feel embarrassed, after all we are in the middle of the school corridor.

"We just talked a little, and played a catcher. She doesn't seem like a monster to me." I explained.

"It's her plan. She looks innocent at the first but then she wraps you like a snake!" She said while freed me.

"Whoa Dahyun, chill out, you're Mina's mom?" Chaeyoung said making me giggle.

"Yes, you can call me Myoui Dahyun." She completes.

"Ok omma, I need to go to my last class, see you later." I left before Dahyun starts freaking out again."

While I was in my Science class my phone started to ring and I asked permission to my teacher to go out to see who was. When I checked was an undentified number, a little suspicious but I was curious about who is.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hello, it's Mina?" The person said.

"Yeah, it's me. Who's talking?" I asked, was a female voice.

"Oh, it's me Sana!" I gulped as a signal of shock. How the heck she found my number?

"Sana? How did you..."

"Your number? I asked at the reception desk." She explained.

"Wait, is that easy to ask a student number?" I sighed.

"Actually is not, but I'm the cheerleader team captain, I said you were a new member of the team and asked your number." She said and I could hear her giggle.

"So, you lied to the receptionist just to get my number, can I know why?" I was a little irritated about this actually.

"I forgot to ask earlier because our little game was too fun." She said.

"No way... You could've asked me tomorrow or something!" I answered angrily.

"Oh, so you wouldn't say no? That's a surprise."

"Why should I? It's just a number."

While I was talking with Sana my professor came out of the classroom to call me back.

"Sana, my teacher is calling me back, bye." And I turned the call off before she could say anything and went back to my class.

Sana's POV ON

"Oh wai–" She hung up.
"I can't believe she did it in my face."

"You asked for it." Tzuyu said while she was carrying some clothes.

"What are those clothes for?" I asked.

"You are our Captain and don't know?" I shook my head and Tzuyu made a facepalm.
"We had cheerleader tests last week before the class came back, remember? That's for the newcomers."

"Aah, now I remember!"

"Of course, I just told you everything." Tzuyu said making me feel embarrassed.

I coughed trying to disguise my silliness and approached Tzuyu. "So, Tzuyu-chan, you want to come to my house tonight and have some "fun"?" I smirked while hugging her from the back.

"No, I have to do something today." She rejected and I automatically stopped smiling.

"Ugh, you're being too cold with me today, geez." I sighed and went to the table sitting down, then I pick up my phone and started typing with someone.

"Sana, what are you doing?" Tzuyu asked.

"I'm chatting, why? I can't do this anymore?"

"Sheesh, I just asked." She rolled her eyes and went back to organize the uniforms.

"I'm seeing if someone knows where Mina lives." I said while asking some friend about this information.

"Aren't you taking this too far? I've never seen you trying so hard for anyone." Tzuyu said and I giggled.

"What do you mean? I did the same thing with you." I said and then looked to Tzuyu which stopped doing what she was doing and looked to me.

"... That's the point." She said and picked up her backpack, without saying anything more she left the place.

"What the heck just happened here?" I was confused, but I didn't care so much about this, I went back to searching, I need to find everything about this girl.

Narrator POV ON

It was the end of today's class and everyone was leaving school or going to their clubs. Sana was in the cheerleader club with the other girls waiting Tzuyu who hadn't come back yet, Mina was in her locker picking up her jacket to go home but before she could close her locker she was pulled by Tzuyu who dragged her till the girls bathroom.

"YAH, STOP IT!" Mina yelled trying to free herself but Tzuyu was stronger.

After the both of them entered the bathroom, Tzuyu stopped pulling her and crossed her arms staring intensively Mina.

"What do you want with me?" Mina asked while was trying to recompose herself.

"Oh, I'm glad you asked, I just one thing from you." Tzuyu said and approached to Mina, making the latter step back.
"Stay, away, from, my, Sana. Did you understand?" Tzuyu said slowly trying to intimidade Mina.

"Wait, Sana? What are you talking about stay away?" Mina was confused.

"Just stay away from her. If I see you even looking to her, we'll have a little "trouble"." After this Tzuyu went out and left Mina clearly scared with her and a little confused too.

Didn't took long to Jihyo arrive in the bathroom, she was gasping, probably came running after knowing what happened between Mina and Tzuyu.

Mina just told it was a misunderstanding, she preferred to not talk about this to anyone, after all she was really scared with what Tzuyu could do with her.

I apologize for any typos and also if I have ever made mistakes in the placement of words.  

Sorry for taking too long to update too, I'm too busy and having some creativity problem.

I'll try to update soon!~

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