Chapter 7: Peacemaker's Arrival

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I yelled, my voice sounding faint as I bashed against the wall.

Debris, I thought desperately, move!

I heard the debris move from the doorway.

SkyWing dragonet, I thought, Teleport out of the fire, unscathed.

The SkyWing dragonet landed outside and ran.

"Water! Get more water!" I heard Rise yelling after the dragonet.

Her voice sounded faint.

Tear... don't you close your eyes, don't you dare close your eyes!

I saw black.


"Teardrop? Are you alright?"

I groaned.

"She's awake!"

I slowly opened my eyes. I was in the healing cave, with Stonemover.

Light from a candle flickered faintly, casting a faint orange glow over the large, stone-turned-scaled NightWing. 

"What... happened?" I asked weakly.

Running pawsteps rang throughout the cave.

"Apparently, you were knocked out when the history cave exploded and when you hit the wall." Stonemover sighed.

I liked the old NightWing. He was Sunny's father, and he was a nice old dragon, and he even had Animus magic. But his magic was paying him back by slowly turning his scales to stone, one by one each year.

"Tear!" I heard Rise call, and I smiled, sitting up. "Hey," I replied.

She spread her wings and gave me a wing hug.

"Alright, alright, move it," I heard a familiar voice call, and I was dumbfounded.

"The Queen is coming through, move it!"

"Deathbringer," I heard my mother sigh. "Could you stop for one second please?"

"Fine," my father snorted, then saw me and smiled. "You alright, droplet?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," I smiled back as I wing hugged both my parents.

"It's the SkyWing dragonet I'm worried about. Is she alright?"

"Garnet?" A golden dragonet asked in her sweet voice. "Hi Father!" She waved briefly before returning to the task. The old NightWing smiled at her.

"That's her name," Sunny nodded. "She's alright. Someone got her out of there, but here's the weird part; she was unscathed!"

"How did that happen?" I asked, hoping they'd by it.

"I don't know," Sunny sighed, looking disajected.

Such a mystery, Rise mind messaged, coming to sit beside me, which made me secretly smile.

"Sunny dreamvisited me as soon as she could," my mother told me, "We came as soon as we could."




"Bedtime alread -" I started.



Four bongs?

That's never happened before.

"A new arrival! This late?" Sunny asked.

"I'll go greet them love you father hope you get well Tear bye Rise cya Glory and Deathbringer bye!" Sunny gasped breathlessly as she rushed back down the mountain.

I got to my paws.

"Thanks for visiting, mother and father," I said, hugging them.

"Glory, we better get back to the kingdom." My father told mother.

"Love you guys," I told them both.

"Love you, Droplet!" Dad said, hugging me.

"Love you, my little droplet," Mum said, hugging me too.

Dad turned tail and escorted the way out of the mountain, mother following close behind.

"I wanna go see the new dragonet!" Rise told me excitedly. I nodded and started toward the cave exit, then turned around. "Thanks for everything, Stonemover," I told the ancient NightWing.

He nodded and smiled, then rested his head back down and closed his eyes.


Rise lead the way, tracking back down the mountain.

"Come on! It's right here," she said as she flew down the last winding corridor, me hot on her tail.

We reached the entrance to the main room of the cave and flew threw it, heading towards the entrance to the mountain.

We landed with our wings folded on our back inside the cavernous entrance to the entire mountain.

Sunny was greeting a NightWing with an emerald green underbelly at the entrance.

The moon loomed high over the treetops, the stars littering the sky.

My mother told me about that dragon, Rise gasped. That's Hope, or more accurate, Foeslayer.

I gasped quietly. Darkstalker's mother?

Or, more accurately, Rise corrected, Peacemaker's mother.

But yes, Foeslayer is Darkstalker's mother. And by the looks of it, Peacemaker has arrived at Jade Mountain Academy.

As her thoughts rang in my own mind, Sunny and Hope exchanged a smile and the golden SandWing turned around, leading Peacemaker to the entrance.

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