Chapter 1

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Nicole's POV

I looked back at our old house before getting in the SUV and driving off to North Carolina. It was 6:30am so I decided to sleep the was there. When I woke up it was 12:00 and we were almost at our new house. I was enjoying our new city and we pulled into our drive way with the U-Halls behind us.

I ran inside and got to chose my room. I ran to the basement and chose the only room down there. It was big too. It had a bathroom, a big bedroom, living room, and the laundry room. There were 2 laundry rooms. One in the basement and one on the top floor. Don't ask me why but my mom said that the basement was all mine.

The U-Hall guys brought my bed down with the mattress and some boxes. I help with the rest of the boxes and started unpacking right away.

I was unpacking my room when someone knocked on the door. I answer it and there was a family. A woman and he daughter and 2 sons. They introduced them selfs. The boys' names were Nash and Hayes. Hayes was the younger one and Nash was the older one. Skylynn was the little girl. I invited them in and they met my family. The boys were really cute. Hayes is 14 and Nash is 16. After a while they went home and I finished unpacking my room. I brushed my teeth and washed my face and went to bed.

I hope I get to see Hayes and Nash again soon.

I feel asleep right after that.


Hey people. Like it so far? Lol. I'll update more later. Read my other book called Kidnapped. I'll update on that too. K bye

-Xo mercy 😄

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