Chapter 8

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Nash's POV

So our plan is to go to party or have a party and make sure Nicole and Carter come. Then push drunk Carter into a drunk chick and hope they kiss. then Nicole sees them, gets mad, and runs to me or Hayes. Then I beat his ass again. yep. Ugh school! I got out of bed and took a shower, brushed my teeths(yes. Teeths) and my hair, styled my hair, and got dressed. I put on a muscle shirt and jeans with black converse. I went to the kitchen to eat

(H=Hayes n=Nash m=mom)

M- morning hunny. Want some cereal?

H- hi.

N- morning. And I'll just et at school mom. Hayes we better get to school for our school plan.

H- we don-

N- yes we do. Don't you remember?

I gave him a death stare

H- oh yeaaaaaaaah. Ok. Bye mom.

N- bye mom. See ya after school.

M- bye guys.

When we got to school we decided that we were gunna ditch since none of the teachers saw us.

N- So have you heard of anyone having a party?

H- no. I think we'll just have to have one.

N- ugh fine. But how will we get mom to let us have a friggen party at our place?

H- no idea. Maybe get mom and sky out the house for the weekend and then have the party then.

N- but where will they go? Like dad's leaving for the weekend to visit some family without mom and sky. So where will we send mom?

H- you can think of that later. How much do you like Nicole?

N- A lot. Why?

H- at the party. Who ever she runs to, they can have her until they fuck up. Ok?

N- fiiiiinne! but when she runs to me I'm not gunna fuck up. How much do you like her?

H- more then you could ever think of. She's the most beautiful girl I've seen in my life. I would give up food AND sleep for her. What did you put as her contact name on your phone?

N- *shows contact name which is*

Nicole😍💜💙 what did you put?

H- *shows contact name which is*


N- cool.

For the rest of the day we planned out the party. Mom is gonna go to a hotel for a few nights so we can "clean the house" and make her something. And dad is out for a week. Sky is gonna go with mom.

I really hope Nicole goes to me and not Hayes. But then again, she hates me. So she might not come to me. Let's just hope that the party is gonna go as planned.


So so so so sorry that I'm not updating much. School is starting on sept 3rd and I still don't have all my stuff and I got sick. Yeah people may update when They are sick but for me when I was sick it hurt to move so the only thing I did with my phone was listen to music. The next chapter will be the party.

So will the plan work? will Nicole and Carter even go? jk ya they'll go. Well. That's all for today. Byeeeeee

💜Purple Heart is true love💜


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