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QUESTION 1. What is your name (or nickname/pen-name if preferred)?
— My name is Michelle Denise, but I like to go by just Denise. (Which is my middle name)

QUESTION 2. What started you on the path to writing?
— I've always loved writing. English was always my favorite subject and my teacher always gave us these "Creative Writing" assignments, and she really opened my eyes to the talent that I have and I knew I wanted to share it with the world.

QUESTION 3. When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer, and specifically in the genre of urban fiction?
— Well for one, I'm pro-black as fuck! And I always saw books based on "white people" and I could never relate or even get into what they writing. Once I came across urban books, I liked it but then I got kinda' tired of seeing the "Thug, Drug dealer, Nanny, Daddy molesting the daughter," books. Don't get me wrong, those type of books are amazing in their own way and sometimes very well written, but I personally felt that wasn't real life, and I felt there was so much more to urban that needed to be written, so I began to write and show a different aspect in urban fiction.

QUESTION 4. When did you write your first book and how old were you?
— It was back in 2015, so I was sixteen or seventeen years old.

QUESTION 5. Who are some of your favorite authors on and off Wattpad?
LexTheAuthor — Her books keep my attention. You love every character she has, even the bad ones. Her books draw you in and have you letting out real emotions as you read scenes. I be feeling like I'm right there in her books watching everything unfold.

jazmennn_— I love her because for one I can relate to her. She's from Houston, and the lingo in her books just make a girl feel at home for real, and plus her books aren't cliché; you never know what to expect with her writing and I like that about her.

QUESTION 6. How long have you been writing?
— Four, maybe five years now.

QUESTION 7. How do you think you've evolved creatively?
— When I first started writing, I wrote cliché stories because I felt that was what the people liked and wanted. But the more I wrote, I just lost the passion for it, because I could not relate to what I was writing back then. So once I began writing stories based off real relatable shit, my writing began to evolve and got better over time.

QUESTION 8. Why did you choose to write in your particular field or genre? If you write more than one, how do you balance them?
— This genre is my life, I didn't have it easy growing up and a lot of people didn't, and in the urban community, we have the ability to write about our struggle and I love that. Writing more than one book is a hassle but its all about time management and the passion you have for the books.

QUESTION 9. What are the upsides and downsides to being an author?
Upside: The love and support I gain from it, and actually being able to do something I love.

Downside: The pressure on updating chapters and the writers block that loves to pop up at the worst times possible.

QUESTION 10. What do you love most about the writing process?
— The excitement I get when I'm about to drop a plot twist for my readers and just getting anxious to see their reactions to it. But mainly just becoming anxious to see their reactions to my chapters.

QUESTION 11. Why do you write? What keeps you motivated during creative slumps?
— Writing is my escape from this world; when I write, I'm in a whole new world and that keeps me going. When I'm stressed out, I go sit or lay down and write for hours letting my emotions out through my words.

QUESTION 12. Do you outline books ahead of time or are you more of a by-the-seat-of-your-pants writer?
— By-the-seat-of-your-pants; when I try to have an outline for a book... during the course of the book, I'll end up adding more drama or taking things away, so it never goes as planned.

QUESTION 13. How many books have you written?
— I have one completed book, and so far I'm working on three new ones that will be completed very soon.

QUESTION 14. Out of all the books you've written, do you have a favorite?
— "Determination" is my favorite because that book is the one that got me recognized on Wattpad and I just love everything about it. But "Good Intentions" is becoming my second favorite; I'm excited to complete it.

QUESTION 15. If someone is brand new to your work, what book do you think they should start with?
— "Determination" or "Good Intentions"; those are my best books in my opinion. "Dedication" is just the second book to "Determination" so to understand that book, you gotta read the first.

QUESTION 16. What do your fans mean to you?
— I wouldn't call them fans, I'll call them family because they mean EVERYTHING to me! I've grown so attached to so many of them and I literally love all their crazy asses. They are so funny and supportive, more supportive than some of my family members, so that alone makes me just want to love and hug on all of them. Their feedback keeps me going honestly, and I can't thank them enough for taking the time out of their busy lives to read my books; it means a lot and I constantly tell and show my appreciation to them.

QUESTION 17. What advice would you give to aspiring authors?
— Never give up on what you love. If you eat, shit or breathe writing, or if you wake up thinking about it, then you are a writer, and that talent needs to be shared with the world for everyone to see. Don't compare your work to the next person because it will always be different and that's what makes us human, we aren't the same but that doesn't mean get discouraged because what they are putting out is getting more love and support than what you are putting out. Continue to write for yourself and just let the rest fall into place.


Thank you so much for accepting to do this interview urbancreations such real ass messages. Please take the time to check out her works; her books are too real.

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