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EEEKKKK This is my third marvel story so enjoy it :) also please excuse the terrible translations I had to use google translate :/

EEEKKKK This is my third marvel story so enjoy it :) also please excuse the terrible translations I had to use google translate :/

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A LITTLE GIRL WHO couldn't be older than seven, stood alone in the busy streets of Sokovia, mindlessly wandering through the rows of colorful stalls gazing in awe at the variety of women and men selling all sorts of things. She watched in amazement at one particular stall, that was selling brand new rag dolls and accessories.

The girl just longed to just reach out and take down one of the dolls from the counter and play with it, it was almost like the doll was calling out for the girl to pick her up and escape the market with her, but sadly, her thoughts were soon interrupted by a loud panicked yell.

"AMBER, AMBER, ГДЕ ТЫ?" (where are you?) A dark haired boy cried out, weaving through the wide and vast variety of market stalls trying to find the small girl. A middle aged older woman and another small girl ran after him. All of them in a state of panic.

The boy spotted the little girl and grabbed her by the shoulder pulling her back towards him, and out of the way of oncoming traffic and crowds of people. He hugged her close to him, in fear she might run off once more. The little girl giggled, oblivious to what the big fuss was about, she was only looking at the dolls, where was the danger in that?

The older woman unlatched the two siblings and grabbed the little girl's wrist tightly.
"О чем вы думали?"the woman screeched in annoyance, "ты могли быть убиты" (What were you thinking? You could've been killed).

The little girl looked down guiltily at her feet, "Мне жаль мама, я не хотела пугать тебя" she lisped.(I'm sorry Mama, I didn't mean to scare you).

The Woman sighed frustratedly and took the little girls hand. The little girl looked down sadly at her plain black shoes, as they walked away from the markets and back towards their apartment block. Amber's brother and sister walked behind them whispering to each other quietly, like they usually did. The little girl stopped as her mother let go of her hand, but her brother walked up beside her and took her hand and squeezed it gently.

"Etro?" The little girl asked softly, looking up at her older brother fondly, who smiled goofily at his nickname.

"да Amber?" (Yes Amber?) Pietro replied, looking down at her, tilting his head.

"Ты бил обеспокоены?" (Were you worried?) She questioned, looking down ashamedly,

"очень, я и Wanda думали, что тебя похитили" (very, me and Wanda thought you were kidnapped) he said softly, squeezing her hand reassuringly, Her sister, Wanda, who was behind them took Ambers other hand as her name was mentioned.

"Ты действительно нарушитель спокойствия" (You really are a troublemaker) Wanda tutted, but still smiled, never the less.

Amber looked at what was in front of them, a big, tall dirty building where their small apartment was located. She giggled as Pietro lifted her into his arms, and began climbing the many stairs to get to their apartment. Her parents always complained that they had been given an apartment on the 9th floor, but Amber didn't mind. She loved being able to watch the sun set over the small town, and the hustle and bustle of the streets below.

Once they'd reached their floor (after minutes of whining from the older boy), Pietro placed Amber down as they awaited for their mother, who was fumbling with her keys, to open the door. Once she managed to unlock it, Pietro chased Amber inside as she yelled and giggled playfully trying to escape her brother.

"PAPA" Amber yelled, as she ran into the kitchen, where her father was reading the newspaper.

"как рынок?" (How was the market?) her father asked picking her up and tickling her making the young girl giggle in glee.

"она была почти убита" (She was almost killed) her mother butted in with pursed lips and crossed arms. The happiness in the room quickly died down leaving a heavy silence fall over the family. The brown haired girl visibly gulped, she hated being scolded, it reminded her of school, and she hated school.

"Amber?" He asked slowly after a while, putting her down, "это правда?" (Is that true?).

"да папа" (yes papa) Amber said sadly, taking a sudden interest in her shoes.

"What did I say about trouble?" he asked her in English, his heavy accent clearly visable,

"Do not cause it" Amber mumbled in reply, English was the family's second language. Their father was originally from England before he moved into the small city at a small age. Her father had told her tales of the big cities in England and how one day, he'd take her there.

To her surprise her father laughed and ruffled her hair, "Now, go prepare for dinner," her father told her, picking back up his newspaper, "It's Borscht tonight".

Amber grinned widely, licking her lips at the thought of her mothers savoury borscht and nodded rushing back to the bedroom she shared with her two siblings. Wanda and Pietro were already settled down, playing on the floor with the very few toys they had. Pietro was playing with a handmade wooden toy car, running around the room making car noises as he went, while Wanda sat quietly, playing with her rag doll, on the small bed she shared with her smaller sister.

Amber quickly retrieved her only tattered rag doll out from under her bed, taking a seat on the cool wooden floor beside Pietro. The boy smiled at the youngest sister as she pulled out a set of a few small wooden teacups, making her ragdoll have a tea party.

The three seemed to be engulfed with their toys, each of them content and concentrated on their little world. It wasn't long after when Ambers eyes began to droop, until they fully closed and she curled up on the floor, sound asleep unaware of the chaos that was to occur that night.


OOF What have I started anyway, here's a random gif:


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Until next time ;)

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