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NATASHA AND STEVE looked at the younger girl, their confusion very noticeable. Amber closed her eyes, avoiding eye contact with both of them while Natasha seemed to whisper something to Steve.

Eventually the hanging silence was broken, "Why Tony?" The man asked, his eyebrows scrunching as he spoke.

"He's the reason for ALL of this." Amber burst, raising her hands gesturing to her surroundings causing the shackles to clatter, "He's the reason my apartment block collapsed, he's the reason my parents were killed, he's the reason we were homeless for years!"

"Stark claims he's a hero..." Amber continued, her burst of energy slowly deteriorating, "-but all he cares about is himself and his reputation, no matter what the situation."

"He's not the man you think he is Amber" Natasha spoke sympathetically, sitting against the wall beside her.

"Really! Well what do you see?" Amber snapped, she resting her head in her arms trying to soothe the full throbbing on her head. "Because I see a billionaire who's head is so far up his ass he can't see the amount damage he is causing"

"Tony's a good man." Steve stated, "Sure he's done bad things in the past but once he realized what his weapons were doing he shut them down." Amber refused to respond causing Steve to sigh. The man nodded slowly to Natasha and the two stood up from the ground.

"Listen kid we don't want to hurt you, we just need to uncover a few things, so we can stop Hydra, once and for all." Steve told the girl, in hopes she may tell them more.

"Why would you want to take them down?" Amber whispered harshly, "You're just like them, you separated me and my siblings, You captured me, and you've chained me up"

The girl looked towards the two avengers, her bloodshot eyes meeting theirs. "You're just like Hydra." She spat, bringing her knees closer to her chest. Steve stepped back, and exited the room quietly. Natasha, on the other hand, spared another glance at the girl, who had now curled up in a ball, she sighed lowly before following Steve out of the cell.

The door banged shut, causing Amber to flinch and as if history repeated itself, she was once again alone in a dark cell with others thoughts filling her mind instead of her own.


AMBER HAD LOST ALL sense of time. Minutes seemed to bleed into hours and Amber was still sitting in the same position she was in earlier. She could hear the thump of loud music from above and there was a faint buzz of people talking. The girls head throbbed from the overload of people's thoughts, their inner voices haunting her mind.

Amber cracked open and eye, staring up at the blank ceiling. "What's going on up there?" She wondered aloud, tilting her head as she spoke.

"Mr. Stark is holding a party, Ms. Maximoff." A voice replied, making Amber gasp and jump in fright. The words were followed by silence and the curious girl couldn't stop herself from digging deeper.

"Who are you?" She asked shakily, glancing towards the door, half expecting a guard to be situated in the door frame.

"I am J.A.R.V.I.S, Ms. Maximoff." the voice replied, "Mr. Starks personal AI."

"J.A.R.V.I.S , how long am I going to be in here?" Amber questioned, thankful for company even if it wasn't a human, as she rested her head against the wall.

"Until The Avengers have deemed you har-" the AI was cut off mid sentence, causing the girl to freeze.

"J.A.R.V.I.S?" Amber spoke up, fear lacing her voice, a loud clatter rang through the cell as the electronic handcuffs around her wrists unbuckled leaving her hands free. She rubbed her wrists trying to soothe the bruises surrounding them, where the handcuffs had once been placed.

Amber stood to her feet slowly, trying to shake out her dead legs. She flinched upon hearing multiple crashes from upstairs. She approached the cell door curiously, and pushed against it. To her surprise the door swung wide open, the girl was in a state of shock as she quickly glanced around before stepping out of her small prison.

This was her chance! She could escape and reunite with her siblings but as more and more crashes were heard, the girl couldn't help but feel the overwhelming urge to check what was happening.

Amber located a set of stairs and began her cautious ascent up the steps. The crashes were getting louder and louder her body and mind immediately syncing into combat mode. She stopped at a large door, horrified at the scene in front of her.

Amber quickly scanned the room, her eyes bouncing to and fro as she analysed the situation. Robots seemed to be attacking the Avengers, who all seemed to be fighting back. She could see Thor throwing his Hammer at a robot, smashing it to pieces while it looked like Tony was trying to kill another with a screwdriver.

The girl heard a small screech off to the side and her eyes were immediately drawn towards the sound. Ambers eyes landed on a defenceless, Korean woman who was seeking cover behind a couch. Amber bit her lip contemplating her choices before eventually wincing and using her speed to run towards the woman.

Once she reached the woman, Amber grabbed ahold of the woman's arm. She offered the woman a small smile before raising her free hand and forming a small shield to cover the pair as they fled the scene. Amber safely escorted the woman out of the room, while The woman merely looked at her in fear.

Amber couldn't blame her for being fearful. This was a crazy scenario. The two were hidden downstairs while The Avengers are fighting crazy robots who somehow killed J.A.R.V.I.S.

Amber made sure the woman was safe in what looked like a lab, before running up the stairs to join the fight. Amber sped into the fight, tearing robots apart all over the room. Amber tried to stop the robots escaping from the window but they knocked her off her feet and onto the ground. Amber groaned in pain, and got off the ground, dusting off her outfit.

"Well that was some exit." Amber muttered to herself, before turning back around to face the destroyed area. The girl suddenly paled as all of The Avengers slowly turned towards her all guns and weapons pointed towards her.

"Well, crap."


This is going to be a weird question but do you consider water to be 'wet'?

Like I was thinking and you don't really say "Oh look there's the ocean it looks wet" but after you take an item out of the water then it is 'wet'. You get me?

Anyway don't forget to vote + comment and Until next time folks ;)

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