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IT HAD BEEN two months. Two months since the battle of Sokovia. Two months once Pietro died. Two months since Amber had spoken. Two months since Amber had slept properly.

The Avengers had moved to a new facility upstate apart from Thor who returned back to Asguard, Tony who had returned to the main tower and Clint who had retired. Amber went with the remaining Avengers to the new facility but had locked herself in her room the day they had arrived. They had held a funeral for Pietro, but Amber didn't go, instead she stayed in her room mourning by herself. Steve had tried talking to her multiple times trying to get her to open the door but it was useless, Amber just sat in silence, lost in thought. The argument she had with Wanda didn't exactly help either.

Around a month ago, Wanda had come knocking at Ambers door,

"Amber get out here, you need to eat" Wanda said for the fifth time, but still there was no reply.

"Amber please, you're being selfish now" Wanda said angrily,

"I know you're sad, but he was my twin brother, I miss him but at least I'm not locking myself in my room like a self centered drama queen" She fumed.

Amber sat on her bed, with her legs crossed trying to stay calm. Her heartbeat was speeding up and if she didn't relax she would end up having a panic attack.

"OPEN THE DOOR" Wanda yelled kicking at it, Amber flinched as the loud thud rang through her room.

"Fine, you know what? Stay in your room" Wanda said furiously, "You're the reason he's dead anyway, you could've created a forcefield around you three but no you were most likely thinking about only yourself as usual. You are not worthy of being called a Maximoff", tears ran down Ambers face uncontrollably, she heard Wanda storm off.

And for the rest of the month and that month after, that one last sentence wouldn't stop ringing through Ambers mind.

"You're the reason, he's dead. You could've stopped the bullets but you didn't. You should be dead not him." Amber repeated quietly to herself, she curled in a ball and sobbed silently.

Eating was a problem, Amber didn't want to leave the room, everyday someone came to the door offering her a meal, but yet Amber stayed silent. But every night twice a week, when everyone was asleep, Amber super sped out of her room, and grabbed some fruit or a drink. That's the only reason she had survived, these past few weeks.

And that's what's happening now.

Amber sped through the halls to the kitchen quickly, she grabbed a few pieces of fruit and filled up her water bottle, she turned around and came face to face with Steve who had bags under his eyes.

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