Life Before

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Chapter Seven- Life Before

​"What the fuck did I say? Honestly, Draco. You better repeat it back to me, word-for-word so I know you're listening because I'm starting to get the impression that everything I say means nothing to you!"

Draco sighed, closing his book and raising his eyebrows at his friend. "Why, Blaise, I'm feeling much better, thank you for asking."

Blaise stopped short of his bedside, though he very much looked like he would like to storm closer and strangle Draco, seething as he was. A muscle twitched in his jaw. "Don't tempt me, Draco. Merlin knows I want you to suffer more, you dumb fuckhead."

"Have you been practising this speech in the mirror? If so, I'm disappointed that's the version you went with. I'm sure you could do much better."

Blaise opened his mouth to retaliate, fist clenched by his side, but he just fell into the chair by Draco's bed. He buried his face in his hands. Draco sighed and put the book on his bedside table, reaching out for his friend. "Blaise-"

"You don't get it, Draco," he said before Draco could go any further, locking eyes with him. It didn't look like Blaise had slept much either if the circles under his eyes were anything to go by. He looked tired and defeated. "You might not care what happens to you anymore, but I do. Okay? I do. And you could drive yourself to the edge, you could stand on that cliff and try to throw yourself off, and I will still use all my power to keep your feet flat on the ground. Do you hear me, Draco? I won't let you destroy yourself. So either you're going to start caring or you're going to destroy me too. It's your choice now."

Draco stared at him. He wanted to tell him that caring was what had gotten him into this position in the first place, that he had loved too much and lost everything as a result. He didn't think Blaise would want to hear it, however, so he kept his mouth shut and hazarded a guess at how many bricks were in the opposite wall.

"How are you feeling?" asked Blaise, with a sigh.

"Like I've been kicked in the ribs a couple times," said Draco, and he gave his friend a small smile.

Blaise laughed a little, scratching his head. He said, "You deserved it. You shouldn't go picking fights with the next foolhardy dumbass that comes your way. The world's full of them- you'd never get a rest."

"I didn't pick this one. I tried to ignore him."

Blaise lounged back in his chair. "Then try harder next time."

Draco narrowed his eyes. "What did I miss in lesson?"

"Changing the subject doesn't negate the matter at hand." Nevertheless, Blaise stretched out his legs and leaned back in the chair, counting off on his fingers the extensive list of homework. "McGonagall set an essay on the limitations of conjuration-"


"-and we learned some new Runes we have to memorise. Defence was more of the same but you got it first try, so nothing missed there. Oh, and Slughorn started the coursework. There are a few regulations but it's pretty much open to anything so I'll give you my notes when you get out." He paused. "If you get out."

Draco snorted. "If?"

"You never know, Hamelin might come back and finish the job when he finds out you're still breathing."

"Hopefully, he'll get a move on, then," said Draco. Blaise scowled. "Hang on, how did you know which foolhardy prick it was?"

His friend smirked a little at that, folding back his sleeves. "I have my sources, Draco." He sobered up. "You're fucking stupid with how you handled it."

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