Life Now

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Chapter Eight- Life Now

Malfoy's bed was empty and made when Hermione returned to the Hospital Wing later that day. She had brought a book that had reminded her of him from the library and a small parcel of food from the kitchens, and had just turned the corner when she noticed he was suspiciously absent. The room was empty and all she could do was stand and stare at the place he had been. When her brain caught up, Hermione turned on her heel and went back to the Common Room.

It had been three days since she had last seen him.

Malfoy didn't turn up for any of their lessons. Hermione didn't see him in the Great Hall. They didn't cross paths when they went on their midnight wanders when neither of them could sleep.

She found the insomnia worse than before, waking as soon as the sun stirred if she fell asleep at all, and spent every moment of her free time in the library. Working distracted her. It tired her out too so that even if she couldn't sleep during the night, she managed a nap at the very least. Hermione sat with Ginny and Neville at mealtimes, pretending to listen. They spoke about insignificant things and sometimes Luna would join them, and the conversation would reach a level of absurd that Hermione would tune out straight away. She still wrote to Harry and Ron. Mrs Weasley still sent her knitted scarves and gloves and hats.

But Hermione felt lonely.

Try as she might, she couldn't stop her eyes from seeking him out. There was something about the fury in Malfoy, the unbridled fear and feeling, that reminded her she was alive too. Hermione didn't think he realised it, but he believed in her.

She needed his belief in her.

That was the reason, she convinced herself, that she was currently chasing Blaise Zabini down the corridor, walking as quickly as her legs would carry her, neglecting the fact that she had Ancient Runes next and her school bag was on her bed back in her dorm. The Slytherin was much taller than her and he walked faster. The coattails of his green cloak were about to disappear around the corner when Hermione broke into a run and called, "Zabini!"

Whether he didn't hear her or he ignored her, she didn't know.

She huffed and skirted round the corner. "Zabini!"

Now, he stopped and turned around.

Hermione didn't think she'd ever spoken a word to the boy in front of her. He'd never been particularly loud or vehement in his distaste for people like her and whilst he was intelligent enough to be in most of her classes, he kept mostly to himself. Blaise Zabini was tall and impassive. He didn't radiate disgust like Malfoy always used to, but gave the impression that he was somewhat impatient with everyone that wasted their breath on him. He regarded her with a single raised eyebrow.

She took a breath.

"Have you seen-?"

He didn't let her finish.

"I'll be straight with you, Granger, because I'm a Slytherin and we have a reputation for being honest, even to the point of brutality." Hermione snapped her lips shut. "I don't like you. I've never liked you. Your blood status didn't help, but I don't care for all that. You rub me up the wrong way- too smartass and haughty." He spoke so matter-of-fact, but his voice wavered now, fading and regaining track again unsteadily. "So if you've got some kind of agenda, if you get some kind of- of sick kick out of seeing Draco down and beaten, then I don't want you anywhere near him..."

Hermione stared at him, dumbfounded. She felt her gut coil with fury and she opened her mouth to argue when Zabini cut her off. He pinched his nose tiredly.

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