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(M/n) sighed, was this really necessary?

"My quirk?" The girl giggling nodding enthusiastically. "Time manipulation, controlling metal." The shortest tilted his head. "What about your after effects?"

"I can see the dead with time manipulation. Controlling metal, past wounds reopen, causing me to feel the same pain, bleeding the same amount."

"Would you like to join us?"

(M/n) grunted in pain, feeling the familiar slash of hot bullets grazing his skin. "..sword.." He pulled a metal sword from his wrist, it illuminated black.

His black hoodie and sweatpants blended in with the dark alleyway.

"(M/n)!" Jomei shouted strumming a deep tune on his electric guitar. The thugs held their bleeding ears. "Hm?"

"You baka don't be so gruesome, the cops will be here. We had a witness. And we need to clean this up as best a possible." Aka lectured. Blood littered the brick wall and ground.

"Sorry, karma takes too long, I'd rather beat the shit out of them now."

Prankit grinned, "I think we will get along just fine."

Bashira rolled her eyes pressing her glowing pink finger tips to a thugs temple uttering greek sentences. The man rolled his eyes in the back of his head and fell backwards.

"You guys.." (M/n) glanced at the speaking voice out of the corner of his empty (e/c) hues.

"Are my family."

Bashira giggled. Jomei and Aka rubbed the back of theirs necks grinning sheepishly. While (M/n) and Prankit glared at the ground with a blush.

(M/n) tsked. He shoved the sword down his wrist, and it disappeared as it entered his body.

"Let me point out the obvious, (M/n) is stronger than us." Aka sighed out pouting. (M/n) continued to give his stoic look. "Yeah, i'm glad we have him on our team."

(M/n) cheeks were a light pink. He growled and flipped his hood up. There was a slash from a knife on his cheek, and a wound on his arm where a bullet grazed it. Tiny old scars opened up, nothing severe.
But he could feel the blood running down his body. With a flick of his wrist he stopped time, he didn't want to be there when they were complimenting him. He found stairs that led to the top of the building they were near. Once he reached the roof he sat down on the edge and dangled his feet, his pinky lifted, and time continued.

"(M/—).. Awe shit we got him flustered. He left again." Prankit said. "I can't believe he's an omega." (M/n)s eye twitched, 'Why is that still important, damn it?"

"He fights better than All Might."

Bashira sighed. "Well guys, he has a better ass than y'all."

"What/Wtf/That's off topic."

She giggled waving the boys off. "Sorry just a girl thing then, he's cute. Anyways, later losers."

A pale shadow followed (M/n) home. He paused in his tracks flipping his skate board up. "Yo.."

The ghost waved. "..yo.."

(M/n) watched the child ghost floated around him.

"..You're bleeding.."

He gritted his back teeth. "Yeah, your name?"

The little ghost girl smiled. "Julie. I'm from the 1730's."

(M/n) nodded, "I see that." Julie smiled.

"I'll be around often, you keep me company."

(M/n) gave a small, small, smirk.

"I'm okay with that."

The front door shut, and there stood a certain little sister tappin' her foot with her arms crossed. "Where have you been?" (M/n) frowned making sure his hoodie down casted his face so she couldn't see his cut. "Out." Her eye roll could be heard. "Yeah, thought that was clear." (M/n) glared at his hands as he leaned on the counter . "So what?" Sally huffed her bangs out of her face. "'So what?' So what?' You could have been dead!" He groaned. "Sal. It's 11:53, i'm okay. Did you end up eating the food I made?" Sally walked closer. "Yes.." (M/n) weaves around her before she could examine his face.  "Well.. gotta take a shower. Don't stay up any longer sis. Love ya." Sal didn't give him another glance. "Yeah. Love you too."

(M/n) knew she was sad that he didn't interact with her much. But he didn't want her involved with his 'second family.'

The next day at school was okay, but he got more talkative with the upperclassmen. Ever since he started hanging out with the "bad kids", he's been labeled a bad boy. Your go to stoic teenager with sleeves of tattoos and bad boy outfit. But at least the omega rumor was gone.

"(M/n)? This is what school is like now? Pretty lame. What is that on your arms?" Julie offered many questions and opinions, she floated on her back right beside (M/n), playing with her old white gloves. Very lady like. "Tattoos. School has never been 'cool'."

Bakugou and Todoroki watched with angry looks as (M/n) had older arms draped around his shoulder beating on his chest. (In like a bro way, yk?)

Midoriya walked up to them. "I don't like (M/n) hanging out with them." Bakugou growled. "Don't you think any of us feel like that." Midoriya sighed exasperated, "I know y'all do."

Bashira was being carried bridal style by (M/n). "You're strong (n/n).." (N/n)? That was their name for him. Bashira hopped out of his arms and wrapped her arm around his waist since his shoulders were being occupied.

"Alrighty, love you!" (M/n)'s lips switched, any close friend could see he was concealing a smile. "Bye sisa." Sisa; another way of the squads terms meaning sister and sista= sisa.

(M/n) gave two fingers to the three guys leaning on his shoulders (Aka, Jomei, and Prankit.). "See ya."

He walked in the class ignoring Bakugou, Midoriya, and Todoroki whom were leaning against the giant doors frame.

"I don't like this new shit."

They walked in the classroom and Aizawa stood from his yellow bag. "Today we do a hands on activity." And sunk back down in his bag.

Thank you all for the support on this book.

Keep doing what you're doing. I love y'all sm💗

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