⚊ch. 2, doctors appointment

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doctors appointment



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❝I don't understand why you take all those pills. Do you even need that shit?❞


Doctors, Nurses, Hospitals, Pharmacies, Parents, and Medications are all supposed to help us feel safe and give us a sense of security to know that they will keep us healthy whenever we get sick.

We appreciate them and care for them as much as they do for us.

That is certainly not the case for young Edward Kaspbrakk.

It was, in fact, the complete opposite.

Eddie tied his shoe and looked back at himself in his full-length mirror. He had on, not one, but two fanny packs, cute little red shorts, a simple yellow polo shirt, and brown beat-up shoes. The sixteen-year-old sucked in the puff of air from his inhaler.

"Let's do this," he said to himself, picking up his book bag, leaving his room.

Eddie followed his usual routine; Say good morning to his mother, quickly eat some toast with butter and jelly, grab the lunch that his mom had made for him, and quickly rush out of his house to catch up with his friends on his bike.

"Mommy, I gotta go! I'll see you later!" Eddie said quickly, pushing his books into his book bag.

"Eddie-bear! Aren't you forgetting something?" the busty woman asked, motioning him closer. Eddie sighed and quickly scurried to his mother, kissing her cheek, "Love you."

Sonia, Eddie's mother, smiled, "Love you more, sweetie."

Eddie quickly ran over to the door but stopped when he heard his mother's voice once more, "Eddie! Don't forget, you have a doctors appointment today, so, straight home after school. Understand?" Eddie nodded, rushing out the door and onto his bike that was thrown out onto his front lawn.

He pedaled at a moderate speed, heading to the Denbrough residence. Eddie enjoyed looking at the trees and such as he went to school, the light hit the flowers just right and made them look so beautiful.

Eddie smiled lightly as he looked ahead and saw his friends talking in front of Bill's house. His best friend, Richard Tozier, turned and saw him pedaling down the street, "FINALLY! Took you fucking forever to get your ass down here, Eds!"

Eddie rolled his eyes as he stopped his bike in front of them, "Shut the fuck up, Richie. I always get here at this time."

"Yeah, 'late as fuck' is your usual."

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