⚊ch. 7, ocean eyes and hair dye

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ocean eyes and hair dye



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❝they know how antisocial i am.❞


By the time they had got more gas and recounted all the money, it was night time and the three were ridiculously tired. Especially, Essence, who had been driving for almost two full days, with no breaks, only being able to function on granola bars, coffee, and energy drinks.

"Ugh. Where the hell is the motels or hotels or whatever!? I need to sleep or I'll lose my mind!" Essence exclaimed, gripping the steering wheel as her bloodshot eyes looked around tiredly.

"I asked if you wanted to take a nap back here while I drove, but you said no," Kerra said. "I said that because I don't trust your driving skills either." Essence replied, "And besides; I'm the oldest, I have to look out for you two."

"We can take care of ourselves. Just because you're the oldest, Essence, doesn't mean we aren't capable of doing shit." Nevermore retaliated, crossing their arms. But, Essence was much too tired to argue. "Whatever," she muttered quietly, grabbing her coffee and taking a sip.

"OH, MY GOD!" Essence yelled, almost spitting out her coffee. "What is it Torta!?" Nevermore yelled, looking out onto the street.

"A MOTEL! HAHA! YES!" Essence laughed hysterically, making a sharp turn into the small parking lot. Kerra and Lidia shrieked as they fell and rolled in the back of Big Blue Betty.

The van only consisted of the front seat, the passenger's seat, and the middle part between the seats to keep the change and shit in and that was it. The back didn't have seats, it only had various blankets and pillows, which Essence had constructed into a giant pallet that anyone could relax and sleep on. The three had kept their stuff back there along with a hot plate and some tools for Big Betty.

"Thank you, Lord!" Essence laughed, grabbed her book bag that rested in the passenger's seat, and basically sprinted into the dingy motel.

Nevermore and Kerra begrudgingly got their book bags and climbed out of the van, following Essence in.

Inside, there was a very pale girl, she looked to be around 17 or 18. She had long and wavy brown hair, very, very pale skin, and was quite short and small. She stood behind the sign-in desk, writing things down in a notebook.

The girl looked up, hearing the bell that hung above the door, ring. Essence gave her a large smile, showing her slightly crooked white teeth. She looked at the girl's nametag, 'Marlie' it read.

"Hi, can we get a room for 3, please?" she asked. Marlie gave a small smile and nodded, "Single bed or two beds?" Marlie looked up from her notepad and the three once more, "Or three beds?"

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