Candy grams cause caous?!

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It was a little after when he said hi to me and my whole cabin knew about him. It's only been a day or so and now the girls were practically stalking him. We saw him skating around the place and he looked so good doing it. What am I saying, "no one loves you Ashley, no one will." I whisper under my breath and I snap out of it. We had loads of free time before they started talking and we have to go in. The cafe was open so I bought an ice cream though some bought actual Food. What can I say, I'm a junk food junkie.we talked and started to walk outside a bit. Not gonna lie I was actually looking around for skater boy, but we sat down at a table close to the playground. I was actually really interested while I talked to them, the girls, but what was on my mind? You guessed it, I hope, skater boy. I kinda got over it ig. I mean it'll never work. Mostly cause I'm 99.9% sure he doesn't like me, better yet, know I exist. We all got in just on time and sat at our groups. We all did row call, still we don't have a chant and probably should get one. Then somewhere along the message there was a topic that crossed not my mind, but Serena and Tetris's minds. 'Candy grams' it is apparently where you send an anonymous( if you make it anonymous ) note on a piece of candy to someone in specific. They were 'joking' saying to send one to him. And yes, I thought about it. But clearly not well enough tho. Long story short, I sent one. I had to write the note for it to be sent and Tbh I kinda wished I didn't although I would've regretted it if i hadn't. We wrote, " nice moves skater dude, and your kinda cute too <3 xoxo". Late that night they were calling the names to give them the grams, I couldn't even be in the room when it happened. Why? Because 1. I was nervous and  I would like to do that in private and 2. All the girls would stare at me when his name was called because it's awkward and yk how friends are.
~~(A/N) before this Happened, Ashley found out his name was josh in the middle of service when his dad called him out, talking about him as a baby. I just didn't want to make a whole chapter on it. Thanks bye loves<3~~

There it was and I missed it. Joshua Wallace. We found his first name in a really weird situation. His dad told us and honestly, josh didn't like it. And ofc I spelled his name wrong, and the cover writing was really, really, sloppy. Greattt. Not intentional, I came out of the bathroom a little after he called his name. And.... Mine?! I got a candy gram ?! Okay well I went up to grab it. And acting like a damn fool I wanted to ' rub it ' in Josh's face. Why? I don't honestly know anymore why I do the things I do. I looked really stupid, it was not supposed to be that obvious. I kept laughing, kept on looking over at him by himself. However I do see this one girl around him a lot. Almost as if she follows him. By instinct, I stare and the girls stalk. Funny Ik but it really is a natural instinct. And why? Jealousy? OF COURSE?! What if that's his girlfriend? What if it's his sister? Oh wait his sister is over on the other side of the building. From what I saw he was around asking people who sent it. And thank god he didn't know who I was. And also thank god that only me, Serena, and Tetris knew about it. And it should've stayed that way. But back to my extra self, I told like, the whole cabin and I think a few people extra outside of the cabin. We saw that girl again. The 'girlfriend ' as we called her. We walked over there not saying anything. She asked if someone wanted a 'tattoo' written in black pen. The girl said no. I tried to hold my laughter and covered it with words. I told her I wanted one, a tattoo, I got one and then I tried to be friendly to her. At first it was to get info on josh, or make him realize I exist now that I'm somewhat friends with the girl. I told her I wrote a candy gram and I guess she picked up on me after I was continuously looking around at josh. I told her I was him and she froze, telling me his sister got kinda mad. I don't know why and it seemed as if the girl was a bit mad too. Maybe it was his girlfriend. Who knew that one little paper and one piece of candy could cause all of this. I just realized something too. Breakfast that morning was not the first time I saw him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2018 ⏰

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