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**Dedicated to @BentleyMahaxay for being very continues on commenting and voting. One of my best supporters.** 

"Dad! Stop. We just rode a horse we didn't try jumping off of a building. It's not a big deal."
    "Not a big deal? Carl you barely know the boy. He could have killed you!" Rick and Carl had been arguing for a little while. Rick thought that Carl was being too risky by riding the horse with Cameron.
 "He's not like that! He can't do much anyway since he was shot! He could have died but he fought to survive." Carl was angry at his father for being so overprotective. Cameron wasn't like that, evil, a killer, he was better than that. 

 "You don't know what people are really capable of. Not until it's your life verses there's." 
  "You just assume everyone in this world is bad because of the governor. Or because of some random group tried to kill us. They were evil. Cameron isn't." Rick sighed and rubbed his face with his hands. 

 "Don't go-"
"Hello, Sir. Hey Carl." Cameron smiled at them both. He heard the whole conversation. He felt bad for getting Carl in trouble but felt pissy toward Rick. He had done nothing wrong but was being accused of being evil. 
"So...Rick. How bout you finish your sentence. Don't go-what?" Rick seemed embarrassed that Cameron had heard what he said. 
"Yeah Dad. What were you going to say?" Carl smiled at his father. He enjoyed every second of this. 

 "Don't go near him." 
   "No." Cameron said while looking rick in the eyes.
"What?" Rick asked with a puzzled voice. 
  "You can't make me go away from your son. I'm also in your group. So we need to trust each other. Or we'll die."

 Cameron got up and left the room with that and a cup of coffee. He wanted to move on but the group thought they should stay here for a little while. It was 'safe' and they had food, running water, the jackpot. But Cameron knew something had to go bad. Nothing good ever happened without shit hitting the fan. 

  And of course shit had to hit the fan. 

The sun was just setting, it was getting darker. Benny and Ethan were sleeping already. As goes for mostly everyone. Carl was dozing on and off. It was about midnight when the fire started. A candle had fallin and set fire to Sean's bed. It started to spread fast. 
 "Everyone! Get out! Fire!" Glenn screamed through the house that was becoming a bonfire.

Everyone started running out while grabbing their things. Cameron looked around when he ran out side. No one had Judith and he didn't see Carl. The house was bright with fire. A large herd of walkers started getting through the fences. 
  "Carl!" Rick was yelling while looking everywhere outside. Cameron looked at the house. 

He was thinking that Carl was trying to get Judith. Without thinking of anything really he ran into the burning building while the others were trying to kill the walkers. But there were so many of them. They had to run. Cameron screamed through the house. 

 "C-Carl!" He heard a crash up stairs and he bolted to the staircase. Many boards were broken but he still went up the stairs. Judith was sleeping up stairs so Carl must have run to get her. Cameron felt the handle of the door. It was warm but not burning hot. He tried to open it but it was stuck. 
 He backed up and started kicking the door as hard as he could. It was getting weaker. He rammed into it with all his strength and it broke open. It revealed a passed out Carl who was cover Judith. The smoke was thick in this room. Cameron coughed and wheezed. The flames burned his eyes and stung his skin. 

 "Carl, get up. Come on Carl! Wake up!" Carl moved slightly and rolled over. Cameron picked him up, with Judith secured in Carl's arms, bridal style. As he went for the stairs they were on fire and completely broken down. He started feeling light headed. The smoke was scratching his throat and his eyes were watering.   

Quickly he went back into the room and opened the tall window since it was the only room that had a ledge. He put Carl and Judith down on the ledge and was about to climb out himself when he saw Judith's diaper bag. He snatched it and jumped out the window.Walkers were surrounding the house basically.

"Carl, I need you to wake up." Cameron raised his hand and slapped Carl, hard. 
"Shit!" Carl said and shot up. He started having a coughing fit. 
  "Sorry but we got a problem." Cameron pointed to the walkers. Carl nodded slowly. He was trying to process everything. 
 "What do we do?" He asked. He didn't know, and neither did Cameron. He looked down. It wasn't a far jump. 
 "Jump." Before Carl could say anything They all jumped down and fell into a thick bush. Walkers were spread out in groups but there were a lot. Carl could just barely walk so Cameron had him get on his back and Cameron held Judith. Carl's job was to shoot any walkers that got in their way. 

 Cameron was a fast runner thankfully. It was difficult to run while dodging walkers and trying to keep Judith plus Carl safe. 
 "I'm out." Carl said as the gun clicked. No more bullets. Cameron took his knife out of his pocket that he had found a few days ago. The blade was ten inches long and had a grey-ish handle that was a little busted up. He kicked down as many as he could and stabbed the one's he couldn't. 

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